For those who want uninterrupted sleep without neck pain, always opt for cervical pillows. Cervical pillows tend to enhance sleep quality and support your neck with its natural curve. These pillows help in maintaining proper alignment, reduce discomfort, and promote comfy sleep. To keep your cervical pillows clean and hygienic you must give it proper maintenance.

Here are some tips and tricks that will help to ensure the cleanliness of the cervical pillow you are looking for.

Understanding Your Cervical Pillow

Cervical pillows online are available in different materials such as memory foam, latex, and fibre-filled options. Each of these types requires specific care and maintenance to maintain their shape, size, and cleanliness. Therefore, you must check the manufacturer’s instructions so as not to damage the pillow.

 Regular Maintenance

Use a Pillowcase

Using a pillowcase will protect your cervical pillow from dirt, oils, and sweat. You must opt for a breathable, hypoallergenic pillowcase. This will enhance your sleeping comfort and reduce the risk of allergies. Also, make sure to wash the pillowcase to keep it clean and fresh.

Fluff Your Pillow

To maintain the shape and support of your cervical pillow, fluff it regularly. This is particularly crucial for pillows packed with fiber. To avoid lumps, gently knead and bounce the cushion to disperse the contents.

Rotate Your Pillow

You may assist prevent uneven wear and tear by rotating your pillow every now and then. This is especially helpful for latex and memory foam pillows, since they can have indentations over time.

Cleaning Tips

 Spot Cleaning

If there are stains or spills on your cervical pillow, spot cleaning is an effective method. You can use a damp cloth with a mild detergent to gently blot the stained area. Do not soak the pillow, as excessive moisture can damage the filling. After cleaning, let your pillow air dry completely before using it again.

Deep Cleaning Memory Foam and Latex Pillows

You should never watch memory foam and latex pillows, as this can break down the material. Here are some steps that you can follow:

  • Use a vacuum to remove dust and debris from the pillow’s surface but within controlled pressure.
  • After covering the pillow with baking soda, let it there for 30 to 60 minutes. This aids in absorbing smells. Thoroughly vacuum the baking soda off.

Fiber-filled cervical pillows can usually be machine-washed. However, follow the steps written below:

  • If the care label contains any special washing instructions, always read it. Make use of a light detergent and a moderate cycle.
  • To keep the pillow’s form, think about adding a few dry tennis balls or dryer balls to the machine.
  • To avoid accumulation, make sure all of the detergent is washed off. Either air dry or tumble dry on low heat.
  • To stop the formation of mould and mildew, make sure the cushion is dry.


To keep your cervical pillow functional and long-lasting, you must take care of it. Ensuring that your cervical pillow is properly maintained, cleaned, and replaced on time. You can also check the options available on Physio Supplies Canada for buying cervical pillows online.