Inventory. It’s the lifeblood of your business, but a disorganized mess can quickly turn into a bloodsucker of time, money, and customer satisfaction. Industrial plastic bins are a fantastic solution for bringing order to the chaos, but simply throwing things in bins isn’t enough. To unlock their full potential, you need a strategic approach.

Here’s a deep dive into best practices for organizing your inventory with industrial plastic bins, transforming them from mere containers into a well-oiled system.

Slotting:  Putting Everything in its Place

Slotting refers to assigning specific heavy duty plastic bins to specific inventory items. Here are two main approaches:

Static Slotting: This is ideal for businesses with a relatively constant inventory. Each item gets a designated bin, making picking and restocking a breeze.

Dynamic Slotting: This approach is more flexible, allowing you to adjust bin allocation based on demand fluctuations. It’s suitable for businesses with a high inventory turnover or unpredictable stock levels.

Optimizing for Efficiency

Now that your bins are chosen, labelled, and slotted, let’s get them working for you:

The Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule): Identify the 20% of your inventory that accounts for 80% of your picks. These “hot movers” should be stored in easily accessible locations, like waist-high shelves or closer to picking areas. Less frequently accessed items can be placed on higher shelves or further away.

Grouping Similar Items: Store items that are frequently picked together in the same bin or adjacent bins. This reduces picking time and minimizes movement within the storage area.

Decluttering Regularly: Conduct periodic audits to identify obsolete or slow-moving inventory. Get rid of expired items, damaged goods, or excess stock to free up valuable bin space.

Advanced Techniques

For businesses with complex inventory needs, consider these advanced techniques:

Bin Dividers: Subdivide larger bins into compartments for storing different variations of the same item, maximizing space utilization and preventing jumbled contents.

FIFO (First-In-First-Out) Rotation System: This ensures older stock gets picked first, minimizing the risk of expired products or obsolescence. Label bins with “add” and “pick” sides to enforce FIFO.

Inventory Management Software: Integrate your bin system with inventory management software. This allows for real-time stock tracking, automated reordering, and streamlined picking processes.

The Bottom Line:  Organized Inventory, Optimized Business

Industrial plastic bins offer a powerful solution for taming inventory chaos. However, true efficiency comes from implementing a well-thought-out organizational strategy. By following these best practices, you’ll transform your bins from mere containers into a system that saves time, reduces errors, and keeps your business running smoothly. Remember, an organized inventory translates to happier employees, satisfied customers, and a healthier bottom line.