immigration DNA tests in Bengaluru

Bengaluru is the capital of Karnataka state. It is a hub for various services, including DNA tests, which are essential in the immigration procedure. Whether you’re applying for a visa to reunite with your family in another country, a DNA test can offer vital proof of biological relationships when other documentation is unavailable or insufficient. In this blog, we will tell the kinds of samples collected for Immigration DNA tests in Bengaluru and which testing company provides dependable test reports.

Types of DNA Tests for Immigration Purposes

The immigration DNA tests in Bengaluru cover different relationships, including:

  • Maternity
  • Paternity
  • Siblingship
  • Grandparentage
  • Avuncular
  • Kinship

What Types of Samples Collected are Collected for the Immigration Test?

Many types of samples, such as blood, cheek swabs, saliva, hair, nails, and many more, are convenient for collecting DNA samples. Cheek swabs are rubbed inside the cheek walls to collect the epithelial cells. This process is repeated on both sides of the cheeks. Buccal swabs are easy to use & transport and can be stored for longer shelf life.

Why Choose Us for Reliable Immigration DNA Tests in Bengaluru?

DDC Laboratories India is among the best and top companies for DNA testing services. At competitive prices, we provide accurate, conclusive, & accredited immigration DNA tests in Bengaluru. The following are the kinds of DNA immigration testing:

  • MOJ-Accredited Immigration DNA Tests for the United Kingdom
  • NATA-Accredited Immigration DNA Tests for Australia

We have 250+ collection centers nationally & internationally. We provide DNA test reports for immigration in 8-10 working days. We have vast experience in DNA testing for immigration purposes, including in France, Europe, Switzerland, the UK, Australia, etc.

For more information regarding immigration DNA tests in Bengaluru,call +91 801017771. You can also reach us on WhatsApp at +91 9213177771.