WordPress is an incredibly versatile and powerful platform that has changed the way we think about wordpress website development and online publishing. Here are some more cool facts about WordPress:

  1. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that enables you to create a website or blog from scratch or to improve an existing website.

  2. WordPress is free.

WordPress is distributed under the GNU Public License, which is an open-source licence (GPL). Anyone in the world can download and use software licenced under the GPL, and the source code is freely available for anyone to study, use, change, and build upon. Matt Mullenweg, the founder of WordPress, wants not just to provide but also to safeguard the freedoms afforded by open source. That is how the WordPress Foundation was born.

The WordPress Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to democratising publishing through the use of open source GPL software. They accomplish this by allowing everyone free access to WordPress.

  1. WordPress is used by millions of people around the world, including many large organizations, such as The Guardian, Forbes, and The New York Times.

  2. WordPress powers 29% of all websites on the internet.

  3. WordPress is available in over 70 languages.

  4. WordPress is easy to use and highly customizable, making it a popular choice for both beginners and experienced web developers alike.

  5. WordPress has a huge community of users and developers who are always willing to help out and contribute.

  6. WordPress is constantly being updated and improved, with new features and security patches released regularly.

  7. WordPress is a very secure platform, but it is important to keep your website up to date and backup your data regularly.

  8. WordPress is developed by a company called Automattic, which was founded by the co-founder of WordPress, Matt Mullenweg.

  9. WordPress is the most popular CMS, accounting for 64.6 percent of the market.

While there are several CMS alternatives available, WordPress is the CMS of choice for the vast majority of website developers. With just over 64% market share, WordPress dwarfs the closest runner-up in Shopify, which accounts for 5.4% of all CMS users. Furthermore, over 500 websites are created each day using WordPress, whereas just 60 to 80 are created per day utilising platforms such as Shopify and Squarespace.

  1. WordPress was first released in 2003, and has since undergone many major releases and improvements.

  2. WordPress core software is GDPR compliant

The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, is a set of legislative standards for websites that collect information from internet visitors in the European Union, as you may be aware. These guidelines, which were released in May of 2018, first put web administrators around the world into a virtual tailspin as they attempted to comply. Fortunately, dedicated developers stepped up, and the WordPress core software is now GDPR compliant.

  1. WordPress is named after the wordpress.org website, which was used to promote the software in its early days.

  2. Each major WordPress version is given the name of a jazz performer. “The WordPress core developers share a liking for jazz music,” according to the official documentation. They’ve even established up a radio station on Last.FM where you can listen to all of the performers that have had releases named after them.

  3. WordPress has no CEOs and is not owned by anyone.

WordPress.org does not have a CEO because it is an open-source project that is not controlled by any firm. WordPress.org is totally run by volunteers from across the world. As odd as it may sound, WordPress’s entire success can be attributed to its active and committed community, rather than a single creative CEO. It’s truly incredible what WordPress has accomplished.

  1. WordPress powers 40.9% of the entire Internet-based publishing market. WordPress is used by over 75 million individuals to power their online presence. That is roughly the same as the number of individuals that resided in the Americas in 1492. Although it is currently at about 41 percent, it will cross the 50 percent barrier in the next years.

  2. Installing takes less than 60 seconds.

Back in 2003, installing WordPress was a pain that required setting up servers and leaping through a slew of technical hoops. Most web servers now install the software for you automatically, which takes roughly five minutes. That is, until EasyWP arrived on the Managed WordPress hosting scene and reduced the WordPress installation time to less than a minute.


We hope you’ve enjoyed learning some new WordPress statistics. Do you know of any other outstanding statistics that we missed? Please let us know in the comments section.