The trend of keeping house plants in your residence or office is growing and shows no sign of stopping. One of the most commonly bought variants is tropical house plants. In addition to purifying your air, tropical house plants are great for decoration.

They bring a more exotic flair to your house and, indeed, add some color and flavor. Tropical house plants are generally known for their flowers, but many like them for their unusually variegated and patterned leaves.

However, most people fear the maintenance and care that comes along with keeping plants at your home. Luckily, tropical plants are a lot easier to manage. Even if you can attend to your plant once a day, you can assure a long life for it. Here are a couple of examples of tropical house plants you can buy for such purposes.


Known as Bromeliaceae in the scientific world, these are perhaps the easiest tropical house plants you can grow. These are tropical epiphytes or air plants that are highly adaptable and do not need very specific conditions to grow.

Whether in your garden, a floor pot, or a hanging pot, these plants will fit right in, which cannot be said for many of their lush-leaved contemporaries. The great thing about these plants is that they come in a wide variety of textures and colors, so you can choose which fits your room the best.

That said, the best way to grow Bromeliads would be in a fast-draining potting soil with sand and peat-based soil. They should be kept in bright but indirect sunlight and watered every week. Try not to encourage any standing water. Some common color combinations you can find include purple, green, red, orange, and yellow with stripes, bands, or spots.

Dumb Cane

Another great indoor tropical plant you can buy is Dieffenbachia Seguine or Dumb Cane. It is so ubiquitous that one might forget it is also an actual tropical foliage plant. However, unlike Bromeliads, Dumb Cane requires certain specific conditions to grow in a household.

Make sure you use a fast-draining potting mix, fertilized with a 20-20-20 mix. These plants also seem to blossom in warmer (preferably over 60oF) and draft-free locations. When it is in its growing months, try and keep it out of direct light.

Dappled shade can work wonders for its growth. During winters, however, bright lights are more than welcome. You should water a Dumb Cane plant twice a week, but even lesser during winters. The only two color variants available include white and green.

While there are a number of other tropical house plants you can try out, such as Ficus or Monstera, these two require minimum maintenance. If you are looking for a trusted source with tropical plants for sale, you can rely on Plantz.

They have a number of varieties with discounted prices and prompt delivery. Rest assured, with their efficiency of service, you have nothing to worry about when it comes to plants. You can also find fertilizers and potting soils from them.