Dressing Essentials for an Unforgettable Desert Adventure

Dubai’s mesmerizing desert safari offers a blend of thrill, culture, and awe-inspiring landscapes. As you gear up for this escapade, the right attire becomes pivotal. Here’s your comprehensive guide to dressing smartly for an unforgettable Dubai desert safari experience.

Understanding the Desert Climate

Dubai’s desert climate is diverse, swinging from scorching days to cool evenings. Understanding these fluctuations helps in crafting the ideal wardrobe.

  • Daytime Heat and Sun Protection:
    • Lightweight, breathable clothing to combat the intense heat.
    • Long-sleeved shirts and pants made from natural fabrics for sun protection.
  • Evening Chills and Temperature Drops:
    • Layering options like a light jacket or a shawl to stay warm during cooler hours.
    • Closed-toe shoes to safeguard against sand and potential chilliness at night.

Fabric Choices for Comfort

Selecting the right fabrics can make a notable difference in comfort throughout your desert expedition.

  • Optimal Fabric Selections:
    • Cotton and linen garments allow breathability and comfort in the scorching sun.
    • Avoid synthetic materials that trap heat and cause discomfort.

Essential Clothing Items

Packing the right clothing items ensures both comfort and style during your Dubai desert safari.

  • Headgear Protection:
    • Wide-brimmed hats or caps to shield from the sun’s rays.
    • Scarves or shemaghs for added protection and a touch of Bedouin style.
  • Comfortable Footwear:
    • Closed shoes or boots to protect against the desert terrain.
    • Sandals with ankle support for a comfortable stroll in the sand dunes.
  • Modest Attire for Cultural Sensitivity:
    • Long, loose-fitting garments respecting local customs and offering sun protection.
    • Consider wearing maxi dresses, long skirts, or lightweight trousers.

Accessories That Matter

Accessorizing smartly adds functionality and aesthetics to your desert attire.

  • Sunglasses and Sunscreen:
    • UV-protective sunglasses shield your eyes from the intense desert sun.
    • High SPF sunscreen to safeguard your skin from sunburn.
  • Waterproof Gear:
    • Waterproof bags to protect essentials like cameras, phones, and valuables from sand and unexpected splashes.

Dress Codes for Safari Types

Different safari experiences may have varying dress codes. Understanding these nuances enhances your comfort and enjoyment.

  • Morning Safaris:
    • Lighter clothing due to higher temperatures; opt for breathable fabrics.
  • Evening Safaris:
    • Layer up for cooler temperatures after sunset; carry a light jacket or shawl.

What to Avoid

Certain clothing items might detract from your desert safari experience; it’s best to steer clear of these.

  • Tight or Dark Clothing:
    • Dark colors absorb heat, while tight clothing might cause discomfort in the heat.
  • Excessive Jewelry or Accessories:
    • Heavy jewelry or excessive accessories might inconvenience during activities or get lost in the sand.


Your attire can significantly impact your Dubai desert safari experience. Choosing the right clothing ensures comfort, protection, and an authentic adventure in the mesmerizing dunes.


Q1: Can I wear shorts during a desert safari in Dubai?

A: While shorts offer comfort, longer garments are recommended for sun protection and cultural sensitivity.

Q2: Are there specific color preferences for clothing on a desert safari?

A: Lighter shades are preferable as they reflect sunlight and keep you cooler compared to darker colors.

Q3: Can I wear flip-flops or open-toe sandals during the safari?

A: Closed-toe shoes or sandals with ankle support are more suitable for protection against desert terrain.

Q4: Is it necessary to cover my head during the safari?

A: While not mandatory, wide-brimmed hats or scarves offer protection from the sun’s intensity.

Q5: Should I carry extra clothing during the safari?

A: Carrying a light jacket or shawl for cooler evenings is advisable for your comfort.

Q6: Can I wear makeup during a desert safari?

A: Minimal makeup is preferable to avoid discomfort due to heat and sand.

Q7: Are there any specific clothing restrictions during the safari?

A: Dress modestly respecting local customs; avoid revealing or tight-fitting clothing.

Q8: Can I wear contact lenses during a desert safari?

A: It’s advisable to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes; contact lenses might cause discomfort due to sand and dust.