There is a wide assortment of dental courses to choose from with the choices broadening as a student passes onto advanced curriculums. Your opportunities depend on how early you start. Unlike other branches of medicine dentistry provides you with distinguished career options and choices having significant application in different sectors of today’s medical industry. There are dental courses for both graduates and undergraduates. However, an undergraduate dental course does not permit you to function as a licensed dental practitioner.
But it provides with a wide range of career choices like dental hygiene faculty, dental consultant or dental insurance agent. The program is a bachelor degree, BS in Dental Hygiene (Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene). The duration varies from 3 to 5 years depending on the university rules and internship and training programs. The job of a dental hygienist has applications in many fields including research and further specialization in different healthcare professions. This bachelor degree is a good choice if you wish to pursue clinical dental education or a doctorate in future.
A TMJ disorder is a major problem that prevents you from having a stable bite and a proper occlusion. When you’re suffering from a TMJ syndrome, the joint that connect your upper and lower jaw is misaligned. This misalignment can cause pain in your jaw, face, neck, and shoulders.
There are TMJ treatment options you can choose from to restore the alignment of your upper and lower jaw. Once your specific TMJ condition is determined, you can use mouth guards or undergo TMJ exercises and bite therapy.
Doctors change the terms TMJ therapy or TMJ Treatment interchangeably, which includes several options. On the first level, the treatment aims at pain relief by applying mouth guards or dental splints. In the next level, bite therapy principles are used to pinpoint the cause of the misalignment.
Using a TMJ mouth guard cannot be a panacea to the TMJ symptom. People who suffer from TMJ have weak joints. While it is true that a TMJ mouth guard can relieve them from pain, using the mouth guard can damage the join if used too often. Also, be wary of the consequences of using a TMJ mouth guard. Using one means you need to open your mouth all night thereby allowing the entrance of harmful bacteria into your mouth.
The use of mouth guards is not also recommended if the TMJ syndrome is due to hereditary causes or trauma. Other TMJ treatment such as TMJ exercises can be helpful in relieving the pain and strengthening the weakened joints.
Thomas Roger is the author of this Article. To know more about Dental Courses please visit the website