Every month, a lot of women have symptoms of PMS. Some of these symptoms include a strong desire for certain foods and an increased need to sleep. This monthly event often comes with a lot of changes. Even if you don’t keep track of your period very well, small changes in your body may let you know when it’s coming. One of these signs is weight gain during your period.

Weight is incredibly important for our well-being. As opposed to the International Standard Unit – Kilogram, Europeans usually measure their weight in pounds. To fix this, they apply a Weight converter kg to lbs to convert lbs to kilograms. Moreover, they determine the quantity of ingredients in their meals to maintain their body weight or Body Mass Index.

During your period, it’s normal to gain up to 3 kg of weight. So, don’t worry if your pants are too tight to zip or you feel bloated. It’s just another thing Aunt Flo brings when you have PMS. Most of the weight you gain during your period is water weight, which doesn’t last. So there’s nothing to worry about. Most of the time, this weight gain goes away in two to five days. Changes in weight are normal, but PMS can make things worse, like bloating and holding on to water.

Read on to find out why women gain weight during their periods and how to deal with these changes.

What Makes Women Gain Weight During Their Periods?

Before you can figure out how to solve a problem, you need to know why it happens. Here are some common reasons why women gain weight during their period.

Hormones: Most of the time, this weight gain is caused by changes in hormones. In the days before your period, your oestrogen level drops by a lot, and when your sex hormones change, your body stores more water.

A study found that up to 65% of women may have swelling and water retention because of their periods. This water retention makes your breasts or stomach swell a little bit, but it only affects your weight and doesn’t make your body store more fat.

Changes in Appetite

Changes in your hormones can also make you want to eat different things when you have your period. Most of the time, it shows up as binge eating. The amount of progesterone in your body changes a lot in the week before your period starts. During your period, the oestrogen level drops, and so does the serotonin level. This hormone imbalance makes you want to eat more. Low levels of serotonin can also make you want sugar, which makes you eat more high-calorie foods. It will always make you gain weight. Also, munching on snacks with a lot of calories causes fluid retention, which is another reason why people gain weight.

When you have your period, your progesterone levels drop, which can also make your GI tract less likely to spasm. But it can cause problems in the gut and make it hard to go to the bathroom. Another common problem is being too full. Because you’re so tired, you might drink more caffeine than usual when you’re on your period. But if you drink too much caffeine, you can also get bloated.

Magnesium deficiency

When your period starts, your magnesium levels also go down. This drop in magnesium can also make you want sugar, which can make you gain weight. Now, magnesium is a mineral that your body needs to stay hydrated. So, low magnesium levels can cause you to lose water. Dehydration can sometimes make you think you’re hungry and make you want high-calorie, high-sugar foods when all you really need is water.

Not moving around enough

During your period, your hormones, appetite, and energy may change, which can make it hard to work out. During this time, it’s fine if you decide to skip some workouts or take it easy. But be aware that if you tend to binge eat, interrupting your exercise routine often can cause you to gain weight.

Want to keep from getting fat during your period? What you can do is:

Keep your body moving

Working out, stretching, and doing other physical things can do a lot for your health. Even if it’s the last thing you want to do that day, low-impact exercise might be the best way to keep your weight from going up and down. Not only will it make you sweat and release endorphins, which will make you feel better, but it will also help you lose water weight quickly.

Don’t eat salt or sugar

Salt attracts water and makes you hold on to it, and sugary foods tend to make bloating worse. If you find yourself craving salt and sugar, have other, more healthy foods on hand. So, when you want something sweet, you can eat fruit or a granola bar instead of candy or chocolate.
Most individuals around the world are concerned with their weight. The average weight of people in the world is 62 Kilograms. To convert 62 Kilograms to Pounds or 62 lb to kg, you can go to https://lbs-to-kg.co.uk/ to get a precise answer.

Eat more magnesium and things that make you pee

Magnesium makes stomach acid, which helps reduce bloating. When you don’t have enough stomach acid, you tend to have more gas and feel full. You can eat more magnesium-rich foods, like spinach, or you can talk to a doctor before you start taking supplements. Vitamin C in citrus fruits is a diuretic that can help you pee more and lose more water weight. Try to eat more fruits with a citrus flavour.