SonyLIV’s latest Telugu talk show ‘Nijam with Smita’ is creating a lot of buzz for its unique content. First Telugu pop singer and noted actress Smita makes her comeback to the screen with this show that will have bold questions, insightful discussions, heartful confessions, truths, and many more. The show started on February 10 with a bang when Megastar Chiranjeevi was the first guest of the season. According to the promo released by SonyLIV, some noted personalities from the film industry, politics, sports, and other cycles of life are expected to join the show. Watch ‘Nijam with Smita’ on SonyLIV through YuppTV and catch all the excitement.
Unlike regular talk shows, this show is intended to bring the actual facts, honest confessions, unexplored side of celebrities, and more. Directed by noted filmmaker Dev Katta, this show will feature Nani, Rana, Pullela Gopichand, Adivi Sesh, Sandeep Reddy Vanga, Sudheer Babu, Supriya Yarlagadda, Radhika Sarath Kumar and others. Smita asks a wide variety of questions to celebrities that are never asked before.
In the first mega episode, Megastar Chiranjeevi revealed many exciting things from his childhood to politics and acting with senior actors like ANR and also about his brother Pawan Kalyan. In the second episode, former AP chief minister Chandra Babu Naidu also shared about his political journey and other never told things.
Natural Star Nani and Rana Daggubati’s third episode is all set to stream on 24th February and is sure to guarantee complete fun banter. Watch Nijam with Smita on SonyLIV through YuppTV and never miss the fun.