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Backpage was one of the most popular classified sites for escorts
Backpage was one of the most popular websites to post adult classifieds. However, the site was shut down early in 2018 for violations of SESTA/FOSTA legislation. The company also faced allegations of sex trafficking. This made it an attractive target for spammers. Fortunately, the company rolled out a suite of security features and data protection measures to thwart further breaches.
Luckily, there are plenty of other online destinations to choose from. From backspace to trackage, you can easily find an alternative. There are even sites devoted to female escorts in Florence, South Carolina. You can also try your luck at a free local classifieds directory like Porn Inquirer.
While backspace was the queen of the free classifieds websites, there are now several worthy contenders. If you are looking for something more substantial, check out the following:
Using a combination of intelligent technology and expert knowledge, 2backpage is the go-to website for connecting millions of service providers and customers. Whether you are looking to advertise your business, showcase your work or just make a few sales, the plethora of services on offer can help you.
A decrease in the daily presence of prostitutes
A recent press release from the escort girls FlorenceĀ Council has reported a decline in the daily presence of prostitutes. The city government says that there are only 200 to 160 prostitutes in the city every day. It is unclear how many of these prostitutes are indoors.
Indoor prostitution is carried out with the complicity of the landlords. It is advertised through print and the internet. Some believe that it has increased in frequency over the last fifteen years.
Prostitution has spread beyond the Cascina Park area. It has also expanded towards the north and west, closer to the motorway and airport. Activities related to prostitution have extended into the Arno River region as well.
Prostitution in Florence was under the control of Oneota. This body was in charge of regulating brothels, licensing and adjudicating criminal cases. Besides licensing, Oneota was charged with collecting fees from prostitutes and with collecting taxes.
Prostitution in Florence had its beginnings in the fourteenth century. However, it was only in the nineteenth century that the number of Florentine prostitutes began to grow significantly. Many unskilled, uneducated young women moved to the city from the countryside to take jobs that did not pay well.
Sources of information on prostitutes
Prostitution is an ongoing issue in Italy, especially in Florence. Prostitutes are treated as a social group with a stigma. The number of prostitutes has increased dramatically since 1990, and many have physical and psychological problems. This makes it difficult to receive health care or health insurance.
Information on the prostitution industry can be gathered from trial records, parliamentary acts, court records, and newspapers. It is also possible to piece together information from personal recollections. But archival documents do not have much information about the twentieth century.
In the nineteenth century, the Italian government did not regulate the sex trade. However, there were restrictions on the type of clothing prostitutes could wear. They were required to wear distinctive clothing to distinguish them from churchgoers. Some of them were able to work outdoors.
Florence’s sex workers are a mix of Italian and foreigners. Most of them were not educated. Their average age was 23. There were few prostitutes over 30.