The seventh month of the Islamic calendar is Rajab, which is also known as “The Month of Allah” because Rajaba means “respect” in Arabic. Due to the significance of this month, many Muslims consider it necessary to do holy rites including fasting, the Umrah, and other prayers at this time. This month, a lot of travel companies provide really affordable Umrah Packages all inclusive by Baitullah Travel to make it easier for pilgrims. While this month has a lot of historical significance for us, it also offers a lot of positive qualities for us.
Brief History:
Many noteworthy events occurred during the holy month of Rajab, enhancing its spirituality.
• The amazing voyage of Shab-e-Miraj took occurred on the night of the 27th Rajab.
• On Shab-e-Miraj in this month of Rajab, Allah gave us the gift of five prayers.
• On the thirteenth of Rajab, Hazrat Ali RZ, the fourth Caliph, was born.
• In Rajab, the parents of the prophet Muhammad SAW were wed.
• The Battle of Tabuk occurred on September 9.
Meaning of Rajab:
According to the Last Prophet Muhammad (SAW), “Rajab is the month of Allah; Shaban is the month of the Prophet; and Ramadan is the month of the Umma.” there are a number of additional factors that set this onth apart from others. (Al-Suyuti)
According to Abu Bakra:
According to the Prophet, the division of time has returned to the state it was in at the time Allah created the heavens and the earth. The year consists of twelve months, but only four of them are considered holy: the third, Dhul Qa’da, the fourth, Rajab of (the tribe of) Mudar, which falls between Jumadi-ath-Thaniyah and Shaaban. Bukhari-3197
The Hidayat (instructions) mentioned above demonstrate how significant this month is in the eyes of Allah and his Prophet Muhammad SAW. As Muslims, it is our solemn duty to show this month the utmost respect and adhere more firmly to Allah’s and Muhammad SAW’s revered commandments.
Seeking Forgiveness:
The month of Rajab is referred to as the “Month of Tawbah,” which is Arabic for “repentance,” and the “Month of Istigfar,” which is Arabic for “forgiveness.” Therefore, being a Muslim is one of the best occasions forus to ask Allah for pardon for our sins as much as possible.
When we ask Allah for forgiveness for our misdeeds during this month, we also ask Him to grant us a beautiful and prosperous future.
There are five nights, according to Umar RZ: Thursday night, the first night of Rajab, the night of the fifteenth of Shaban, the night of Eid-al Fitr, and the night of Eid-al Adha. Shib al-Man
Avoiding Wrong Deeds:
Although Rajab is bestowed with many bounties, we should be careful to avoid doing anything that can offend Allah during this holy month. Don’t wrong yourself during them, Allah expressly commands in the Qur’an (Quran 9:36)
The month of Rajab serves as a reminder of the vastness and magnificence of Allah SWT, who showed his supremacy over everything and showered his Prophet with blessings. Rajab is a holy month that Allah SWT established in order to inspire us to seek forgiveness from Allah SWT and to be the best possible followers of the prophet SAW. But Baitullah Travel Umrah Packages 2023 are quite cheaper as compare to the other travel agencies.