The human sexual response cycle is the cycle that studies emotional, physical, psychological, and behavioral changes that happen when one is involved in sexual activity. It is an interesting take on human sexuality and will help you learn more about yourself. Let us understand the concept in detail.

Human sexual response cycle

It is as captivating as it sounds, where the sexual response is divided into four phases. The phases remain the same for men and women. Understanding the phases will give you a deeper understanding of how sexual responses work and tells you a lot about your body. Moreover, it is an important part of determining sexual dysfunctions. If there is a gap at a certain point, you can relate it to sexual dysfunction like low libido, erectile dysfunction, or premature ejaculation. We often neglect low libido, but even low libido in men has proper treatment protocol. We are here to understand the sexual response cycle and implement it in our lives.

The human sexual response cycle is divided into four phases as follows: 

Excitement – It is the first phase of the sexual cycle and can happen due to thoughts, sensations, or simply how the other person makes you feel. It has the following characteristics:

  •   Increased muscle tension
  •   Increased heart rate
  •   Rapid breathing
  •   Increased blood pressure
  •   Increased blood flow to the genitalia
  •   Flushing of skin
  •   In men
  •   An erection starts developing
  •   Swelling of testicles
  •   Tightening of scrotum
  •   In women
  •   Vaginal lubrication increases
  •   Swelling of clitoris and labia minora (inner lips)
  •   Fuller breast and vaginal swelling

This phase may last from a few minutes to hours, depending on the stimulus. The signs may vary from person to person, and not everyone necessarily goes through all the changes.

Plateau – This is the next phase after the person is sufficiently aroused and goes to orgasm. It includes:

  •   The changes from the first phase continue and are intensified.
  •   Vaginal swelling continues, and the walls may appear darker
  •   The clitoris becomes more sensitive and could even cause pain when touched
  •   Tightening of testicles
  •   Increased heart and breathing rates in both partners
  •   Muscle spasms may occur in the feet, face, or hands
  •   Men may release precum which is the pre-ejaculatory fluid

This phase is more intense, and the duration may vary. We consider the phase lasts till the person orgasms.

Orgasm – It is the peak of the human sexual response cycle and could be called ‘the climax .’It is the shortest phase and may last only a few seconds. It is the pleasurable phase of sexual intimacy. It has the following characteristics:

  •   Involuntary muscle contractions
  •   Heart rate and breathing rate are the highest
  •   Increased blood pressure
  •   Release of tension
  •   Feeling of euphoria
  •   Vaginal muscles contract
  •   Uterine muscles have rhythmic contractions, and some may experience the release of fluid
  •   Rhythmic contractions at the base of the penis in men that causes ejaculation

This is the most exciting part of sexual response. The release of oxytocin and dopamine that happens during this phase is what makes you elated and forms an emotional bond with your partner.

Resolution – It is the last phase of the cycle, where everything gets back to its normal state. It is characterized by the following:

  •   Relaxed muscles
  •   Normal heart and breathing rate
  •   Normal blood pressure
  •   Swelling goes down in men and women
  •   The penis comes back to its original size

This phase is usually marked by fatigue and emotional bonding. Women have the capability to have another orgasm with sexual stimulation, while men are exhausted after one. Men need time to get back to another round and it is called the refractory period. The duration of the period increases with age, and it is when men recollect energy to feel stimulated again.

The phases are not experienced in the same way for everyone. The intensity and duration will vary from person to person. For some, it may not even happen in the same sequence, and one might come after another. for others, one of the phases could be totally absent. The phases, however, remain the same while having sex with a partner or going solo. Understanding the phases may help you realize the pattern with you and your partner. It can detect the anomaly at a certain point and also aid in making the experience better. If you are confused about how it happens in your case, you can consult a sexologist in Chandigarh or other nearby places. 

Sexual Arousal

Starting with sexual arousal, not every person is aroused the same way. The sense of stimulus varies and one might not feel aroused by the partner or usual trends that worked in the past. It is also dependent on your sex drive, which could have changed for some reason. Some need a strong emotional connection with their partner to be sexually stimulated, while some do not. The desire to have sex is ruled by your emotional and physical well-being. It starts in your head, and if the stimulus is not working for you, you will not be able to progress to the following steps. You should consult an expert and seek low libido in men’s treatment as per your doctor’s advice.

In the same way, if you have trouble getting from one phase to another, you might need external assistance. One could even notice problems with ejaculation and orgasm. It is common to orgasm at different speeds with your partner. But if anything is bothering you or seems abnormal, it needs intervention. It will get easier for you to pinpoint the problematic phase once you know the response and division of the phases.

The human sexual response cycle can be disrupted due to many reasons. The usual ones are:

  •   Mental illnesses including depression, stress, anxiety
  •   Health conditions
  •   Painful sex
  •   Physical injury
  •   Sexual trauma or abuse
  •   Chronic pain
  •   Performance anxiety
  •   Inability to get or maintain erection, aka erectile dysfunction
  •   Untimely ejaculation
  •   Difficulty in reaching the climax
  •   Vaginal dryness
  •    Low sexual desire

What can you do about it?

Once you diagnose an issue, the next thing is to troubleshoot the problem. To initiate the process, the first thing that you need to do is talk to your partner. Be expressive and honest about how you feel, irrespective of the fact at which side of the table you are. Let each other know the importance of sexual satisfaction and the ways you will work to achieve the same. It begins with you being brutally honest with each other. If you are on the same page, you can win against all the hardships. Take the help of a marriage counselor or a sexologist to help you understand the real pain points.

Bottom Line

The human sexual response cycle has a few phases and knowing it will help you improve your relationship with your partner. You can work on understanding each other’s bodies and recognize what works best for both of you. It will also help in determining the presence and cause of any sexual dysfunction. In case you notice any abnormality, consult a qualified sexologist in Chandigarh.