You’ve studied for JEE Main for months and are itching to put your knowledge to the test. But you’ve got one big question: How many times can I attempt JEE Main?

You’re not alone in asking this question. Every student who wants to pursue a career in engineering has the same burning curiosity. The answer is slightly more complicated than a simple “yes” or “no”.

In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into how many times you can give JEE Main along with some tips and tricks on how to maximize your chances of success in the exam. Let’s get started!

JEE Main: India’s Top Engineering Entrance Exam

JEE Main is the top engineering entrance examination in India, conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is the first step towards admission to Engineering and Architecture courses in all IITs, NITs, CFTIs, and other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions across the country.

But many students are curious about how many times they can give this exam. To answer that question, it depends on a few factors such as your age limit and the number of attempts allowed for a given academic year. If you are under 25-25 years when you first appear for JEE Main then you can attempt it three times in the same academic year. If you are older than that, then you may only have two attempts per year.

So to sum up, if you are under 25 years of age then you can attempt JEE Main up to three times in one academic year. For those above 25 years of age however, they will be restricted to two attempts annually.

How Many Attempts Are Allowed for JEE Main?

If you’re wondering about how many times you can give JEE Main, the answer is that you are allowed three attempts to qualify for the exam. You are able to take the exam three times in your academic year, which means that if you need extra time to prepare for the test or if you didn’t do well on your first try, you still have two more opportunities to succeed!

That said, it should be noted that only your highest score will be valid when applying for college admission. This is a key point to remember–no matter how many attempts you make, it’s only your best result that counts. In other words, it pays to prepare thoroughly in advance and strive towards getting a good overall score the first time around. Previous Year JEE Main Papers

Criteria to Be Eligible for Multiple Attempts at JEE Main

So, how many times can you give JEE Main? There are a few criteria you’ll need to meet in order to be eligible for multiple attempts at this exam.

Age Limit

First, the age limitation. If you’re older than 25, then you don’t qualify for multiple attempts at JEE Main.

Maximum Attempts Allowed

You can only take the JEE Main three times in total—no more and no less. So if you’ve already taken it two or more times, then your third attempt will be your last one.

Qualifying Marks & Ranks

Your average marks and average ranks also play a role here too. You must have scored above a certain rank or marks in all your previous attempts to be eligible for another try at the exam. In 2020, the qualifying marks were 14 out of 360 (4%) and 89 percentile score was considered enough to attain eligibility for appearing in the next attempt.

If you meet all three of these criteria, then you could potentially give JEE Main multiple times — but keep in mind that there is still a total limit of three attempts overall.

How to Register for the 2nd or 3rd Attempt at JEE Main

When you want to take the JEE Main for a second or third time, you will again have to fill out an application form. This is done in two steps:

Step 1: Registering Online

The first step requires a valid email address and a few other basic details. When you submit the form, you will get an acknowledgment number and password which can be used to login to the JEE Main website.

Step 2: Uploading Documents

After logging in, you should upload your photograph, signature, and other documents such as your Aadhaar card or Class 10th mark sheet as proof of identity. After all the documents have been successfully uploaded, proceed with payment of the application fee.

Once all steps are completed successfully, your application is officially submitted and you can print out your admit card when it’s released by the NTA.

Tips to Improve Your Score in the 2nd or 3rd Attempt JEE Main

The second or third attempt of the JEE Main is usually the most important. That’s when you have to buckle down and make sure you’re really making the most of your time and efforts. Here are a few tips to help you get the best score on your second or third attempt:

Focus on Your Weaknesses

Take stock of your weaknesses from previous attempts and focus specifically on strengthening them. Practice mock tests, regularly review your weak areas, and consult a mentor or teacher if needed. This will help you stay focused on working through those specific areas which in turn will help improve your overall JEE Main score.

Stay Organized

It’s easy to lose track of time when it comes to studying for JEE Main, especially if you’re taking more than one attempt. Having a study plan will make it easier for you to set realistic goals and put in consistent effort towards achieving them. It will also make it easier for you to stay organized so that when test day arrives, you don’t have to panic about what’s left to cover.

Revise Regularly

Since each attempt at JEE Main requires knowing the same material, it is important that you revise what you have already studied before attempting another test. This doesn’t mean that you should keep going over old topics until exam day – instead try to revise only what is important and save yourself some valuable time. Doing regular reviews throughout the preparation period can help ensure that all topics are revision-ready before another attempt of the JEE Main exam.

How Does the Best of Multiple NTA Scores Work for Admission?

You may have heard about the ‘Best of Multiple NTA Scores’ for admission. But what does this mean?

Basically, if you have taken the JEE Main exam more than once and your scores haven’t improved, then your best score will be considered for admission. Let’s say you have taken the exam three times—your highest score out of all three will be taken into consideration when you’re admitted to a college.

If you have scored higher marks on certain topics each time you took the exam, then your best score would be an amalgamation of these areas of strength. So, if in one attempt you scored well in Physics and in another attempt, you scored perfectly in Maths and Chemistry – then those two areas would be considered as your best score.

The best of multiple attempts is only applicable when you’re taking JEE Main multiple times during the same academic year—and it’s only considered when according to the cut-off marks decided by the college or university.

It’s important to remember that this system isn’t applicable for every examination across India – so make sure you check with your chosen institution before attempting to take JEE Main multiple times!


In summary, all aspiring aspirants who wish to appear for JEE Main as many times as possible can do so by appearing for the exam every year until they are completely satisfied with their score. Although appearing for the exam more than three times is allowed, it is important to remember that the number of attempts has no effect on the eligibility and the score.

Having the right approach and effort put in the right direction is more important than the number of attempts taken. So, if you think that you need more than three attempts to satisfy your score, go ahead and give yourself another shot and make sure that you are ready to give your best to attain the best score in your final attempt.