Surface tragus piercing jewellery is one of the most popular types of body piercing, which can be adorned with a range of different jewellery pieces. It is not only stylish and trendy, but it also has a rich cultural significance in different parts of the world. In this essay, we will discuss in detail the different types of jewellery pieces that can be used for surface tragus piercing.

One of the most popular types of surface tragus piercing jewellery is a barbell. A barbell is a straight piece of jewellery with a ball on each end. These balls can be made of different materials such as metal, acrylic, or glass. The balls can be plain or decorated with gems or other stones. A barbell is an ideal choice for those who prefer a minimalistic look.

Another type of jewellery that can be used for surface tragus piercing is a circular barbell. As the name suggests, this type of jewellery is circular in shape and has two balls at either end. The circular shape of the barbell allows it to sit flush against the skin, making it a comfortable choice for many people.

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A curved barbell is also a popular choice for surface tragus piercing. A curved barbell has a slightly curved shape, which makes it suitable for piercings that are not entirely straight. It is a great choice for those who want a more unique look.

Surface tragus piercing jewellery can also include labrets. A labret is a type of jewellery that has a flat disc on one end and a ball on the other. It is often used for lip piercings, but it can also be used for surface tragus piercings. This type of jewellery is ideal for those who want a more subtle look.

Finally, surface tragus piercing jewellery can also include spikes. Spikes are metal or acrylic studs that protrude from the skin. They are a perfect choice for those who want a more edgy and daring look.

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In conclusion, there are different types of jewellery available for surface tragus piercing. Each type of jewellery has its unique qualities and is suitable for different people based on their style preferences. When deciding on surface tragus piercing jewellery, it is essential to make sure that it is made of high-quality materials to prevent any skin infections or other complications. With the right jewellery, a surface tragus piercing can be a fashionable and trendy addition to any appearance.