If you are curious to learn about PearDeck, including its definition, how to become a member, how to log in to joinpd.com, what a joinpd code is, and how to obtain it, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will provide you with all the relevant details regarding PearDeck and joinpd.

What Is Pear Deck?

Pear Deck is an online platform that enables students and teachers to engage in interactive presentations regardless of their location. Its sub-forum, Joinpd.com, allows users to join presentations by entering a 5-digit code-shared by their teachers. Teachers can leverage this platform to conduct online classes, deliver presentations, and assign tasks to students. While Pear Deck offers a free version, it also has a paid version with additional features that may be more beneficial to teachers and students. Access to the paid version requires a membership fee.

The Pear Deck dashboard is designed to be user-friendly and accessible from any device with an internet connection, including phones, computers, laptops, and tablets. With its convenient and interactive nature, the platform offers an excellent experience for students during their learning journey.

What is the Pear Deck Joinpd Code?

To begin an online class, teachers first log in to the Peardeck platform. Then, they generate a unique code known as the “Peardeck Join Code” that students will use to join the online class. Teachers share this 5-digit code with their students who wish to participate in the class. Once the students have entered the code, they can join the online class from anywhere in the world and communicate with the teacher in real time. This allows for easy and immediate responses to any questions or concerns that arise during the class.

How to get the Join Code at Pear Deck?

Access to the Pear Deck platform is only granted to students by their respective teachers who generate unique codes for each session. In case a student does not have a code, they may request one from their teacher. The code consists of five letters and remains valid for a period of four days from its generation. To join the session, the code must be entered after visiting the JoinPD platform using the link: https://app.peardeck.com/join. Simply paste the code provided by the teacher into the relevant field to join the session.


Q1. What are the key advantages of using joinpd?

A1. Joinpd.com offers a platform where teachers and students can connect and collaborate.

Q2. Is it possible for teachers to respond to students’ answers on Pier Deck?

A2. Yes, teachers have the ability to view students’ questions and answers and provide feedback or guidance.

Q3. Will students be able to view one another’s answers on Peer Deck?

A3. No, students do not have access to other student’s questions and responses.