Do you know credit card transactions are increasing at a stellar rate in the world? And, there is no sign of slowing down. Instead of paying through cash or wallets, customers are finding it very easy to pay through their credit cards.

You may think that swiping or dipping a card in the machine is an automatic action. It may seem like a straightforward process, but each card transaction involves multiple parties and actions going on behind the scenes. One critical link in this process is called payment gateway.

Ideally, payment gateways are software applications serving as conduits that allow the cardholder’s data to pass securely between two parties. For all practical purposes, gateways are used for eCommerce and no online store can accept payment from a customer without the presence of merchant account payment gateway.

When an online merchant has a payment gateway, it eliminates the need for manual input of credit card numbers. It speeds up the checkout process and enhances accuracy.

Customers are actually interacting with the payment gateway when the key in card data on the checkout page. The gateway can easily encrypt the information so it isn’t accessed and misused by cyber criminals.

To increase and boost your e-commerce business, you need a merchant account payment gateway. For more information about taking up a payment gateway for your business, you can reach out to us. We will glad to assist you. Talk to us now.