Neville Goddard, a mystic and spiritual teacher, once said that “feeling is the secret.” This statement is a simple yet profound insight into the nature of reality and the power of our own consciousness. In this article, we will explore the meaning of this statement and how it can transform our lives.

According to Neville Goddard neville goddard feeling is the secret, feeling is the secret because it is the key to manifesting our desires. He believed that our consciousness creates our reality, and that the feelings we hold within us are the most powerful force in shaping that reality. This means that if we want to change our circumstances, we must first change our internal state of being.

To understand this concept, it is helpful to think of our thoughts and feelings as energy. Just as a radio station broadcasts a signal that can be tuned in to by anyone with a receiver, our thoughts and feelings broadcast a signal that can be picked up by the universe. If we are constantly focused on negative thoughts and feelings, we will attract negative experiences into our lives. On the other hand, if we cultivate positive thoughts and feelings, we will attract positive experiences.

This is where the power of feeling comes in. Neville Goddard believed that the universe responds not to our thoughts alone, but to the feelings behind them. If we want to manifest something in our lives, we must not only think about it, but we must also feel as if it has already happened. This means cultivating a deep sense of gratitude, joy, and fulfillment for the thing we desire, as if it is already ours.

This may seem like a difficult task, especially if we are struggling with negative thoughts and emotions. However, Neville Goddard believed that the key to mastering our feelings is to practice imagination. He believed that our imagination is the bridge between our inner and outer worlds, and that we can use it to create the reality we desire.

To practice imagination, Neville Goddard recommended using visualization and affirmations. Visualization involves picturing the desired outcome in our minds as vividly as possible, while affirmations involve repeating positive statements to ourselves that reinforce the belief that our desire is already ours. By using these techniques consistently, we can shift our internal state from one of lack and negativity to one of abundance and positivity.

In conclusion, Neville Goddard’s insight that “feeling is the secret” is a powerful reminder of the power of our own consciousness. By cultivating positive feelings and using our imagination to visualize and affirm our desires, we can manifest the life we truly want. It takes practice and patience, but with dedication and persistence, we can become the masters of our own reality.