You’ve probably heard of acupuncture, but you’ve also heard of meditation. You’ve heard of turmeric, and you’ve heard about cumin.

But why are these alternative treatments becoming more popular? There’s a good reason for this.

There’s a growing body of research that suggests the potential benefits of holistic approaches to wellness, from reducing stress to relieving pain.


Acupuncture is a centuries-old Chinese technique that involves placing very thin needles into the skin at specific points on the body to affect the flow of energy.

Acupuncture can be used to help treat dozens of ailments in a busy lifestyle. Acupuncture can help patients in recovering from many of the modern-day ailments.

Natural Remedies

Plants are well known for their healing powers and are a major part of homeopathic medicine.

The most common herbs, such as Pantry herbs, aid in a few key bodily functions: Digestion, absorption, assimilation, and tissue regeneration.

Natural remedies are much less prone to dry mouth, sleepiness, cost, and dependency than pharmaceuticals used to treat allergies.

For eg., Elderberry can help protect you from the flu, strengthen your immune system, and relieve sinus and lower back pain, sciatica pain, neuralgia pain, and CFS.

According to a study published in JIMR, a single extract of elderberry reduced flu symptoms by an average of four days faster than other medications.


There is a strong emphasis on mind-body connection in alternative therapies, with yoga and meditation being at the forefront of this form of therapy.

Asana (posture) is a combination of breath, visualization, and guided meditation that is a powerful tool for reducing stress, addressing emotional and physical blockages, and moving the body on multiple levels.

Yoga can be seen as a form of alternative therapy or an alternative medical treatment for anxiety disorders. Yoga is better than physical therapy at relieving pain, anxiety, and depression, as well as improving spinal mobility.

Holistic Nutrition

Food not only gives your body the energy it needs to function but it also provides the nutrients it needs to build and rebuild your body’s tissues, bones, muscles, fats, and blood.

Over the past decade, there’s been a growing focus on nutrition as an aid in preventing disease, detoxifying your body, and relieving symptoms caused by conventional medical therapies.

For example, fermented foods are becoming increasingly popular. One of the easiest ways to reduce inflammation and pathogens is to take probiotic supplements as well as to eat probiotic foods – such as traditional fermented sausages.

Fermented foods contain probiotics, which increase immunity and facilitate digestion. Studies are beginning to link gut health to cognitive impairment. Food as medicine is an excellent way to take control of your health.

Message therapy

Massage therapy isn’t just a spa day getaway. According to a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Products for Human Use (JMPH), the therapeutic effects of massage on the immune system can be practiced in addition to traditional drug-based medical care.

The William Harvey Research Institute in London, United Kingdom, and the Immunological Research Centre in Belgrade conducted the study.