Kunal Das, better known as Cyber Delta, is a passionate cybersecurity enthusiast who has dedicated his life to the field of information security. He holds a number of certifications, such as Certified Network Security Specialists (CNSS), CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) by Infosec, CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) by Infosec, Autopsy Basics and Hands-on by Sleuth kit, Trace Labs OSINT Foundations Course and many other Certifications.
You left your Internet Traces – Kunal Das
Kunal has a number of awards and accomplishments to his name, such as being the Top 5 CTF Winner at Hacker’s Hour CTF, securing Silver Badge in a Penetration Testing Competition Conducted by Genius Mentor, Hall of Fame at The Computer Noob Community for Solving Cybersecurity Puzzle, and Recently Published his Article on Deep Fake which crossed 100k views.
Kunal’s love for cybersecurity is driven by the sense of discovery and exploration that it offers. He sees it as an endless path, with no end in sight. He dreams of developing more advanced technology as he moves into the field of AI and ML, and he plans to write his own Cybersecurity Book. His goal is to develop his Virtual Environment which not only focuses on Security but also the Privacy of the users. For the very next 6-7 years, he also plans to do Ph.D. in this Field and crack OSCP. Kunal is an example of what a determined individual can achieve if they truly dedicate themselves to a field. His passion for information security and his drive to continuously learn and improve himself is inspirational. He is a role model for anyone interested in a career in the information security field, and his journey is an example of what can be achieved with hard work and dedication.