Medical research indicates that medical marijuana and smoked cannabis reduce neuropathic pain and improve caloric intake in patients who suffer from low muscle mass as well as muscle spasticity commonly observed in severe and irreversible auto-immune disorders such as multiple sclerosis (MS). These medical properties have gradually led to large-scale clinical research and the development of a large number of cannabinoid-based drugs as well as other alternative delivery methods.

Medical marijuana and cancer

Cannabis is known to reduce the sensation of extreme nausea and pain that affects all chemotherapy patients. Medical practitioners in integrative oncology and health care providers prescribe MMJ to promote better sleep and appetite. 

Medical marijuana and arthritis

More than 31 million Americans have rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, which affects the joints, causing swelling and pain that hinders normal movement. Since the 1700s, cannabis has been used in Western medicine to treat muscle pain due to its immune-modulating, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Research indicates that it is highly effective when used to treat extremely painful conditions including, but not limited to, degenerative joint, hip and connective tissue disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis. It can also be used as an adjunctive form of therapy that enhances the effectiveness of opiate-based pain relievers and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). MMJ reduces joint inflammation and morning stiffness when metabolized by the body into the form of cannabidiol.

Medical Marijuana and Multiple Sclerosis

About 350,000 Americans currently suffer from the painful and debilitating medical disorder known as MS (Multiple Sclerosis). This neurological disease affects people between the ages of 20 and 40 and is more common in women. Symptoms of this disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) vary on a case-by-case basis, and some common symptoms include increased muscle spasticity that impairs function, pain, seizures, etc. 

An estimated 4% of the patient population who use MMJ have experienced remarkable relief from their symptoms because cannabis is known to reduce muscle spasticity and tremors. It also has a positive effect by slowing down the autoimmune attack which is the underlying pathogenic process in this painful condition. MMJ affects the CNS and motor system and helps people improve bladder control, and regain balance, speech, and vision.

Management (OCM) has issued guidelines for licensees interested in the distribution of cannabis.

Delivery will be available to all persons holding a conditional adult-use retail dispensary (CAURD) license to sell Marijuana Delivery New York, who must comply with all public health and safety regulations.

The Office of Cannabis Management says the delivery model will help businesses compete while providing options for licensee-entrepreneurs as they work to build out their retail space.

Office of Cannabis Management Permit Delivery Guidelines:

A retail license to secure a warehouse from which to fulfill Cannabis Delivery NYC orders and to establish a permanent dispensary location for up to one year;

Customers can only place online and phone; No personal sales or pick-up from warehouse locations;

Customers must pre-pay; Cash payments from cannabis consumers to delivery employees are not permitted;

Delivery can be done by bicycle, scooter, motor vehicle;

Customers must be at least 21 years of age with valid identification at time of sale and delivery;

New York state marijuana laws allow businesses to have up to 25 delivery workers per business.