One of the multinational British low-cost airlines is EasyJet. It services various international and domestic destinations. When you have made a booking on EasyJet airline, but the purpose of the visit got changed, and that results in ticket cancellation. When you have canceled a ticket, then you are able to apply for a refund. Thus, you could acknowledge the modes to appeal for reimbursement by reading the subheading.

Manner to request a refund on EasyJet

On EasyJet, you can acquire distinct options to fulfill your requirement and have the information about the same by going through the bottom.

Via call

When you do not wish to follow up with any sort of lengthy procedure, then make a call to airline customer service. For that, you can dial EasyJet phone number uk +44 (0) 330 5515151, and it is available every day from 07.00 am to 10.00 pm daily. After that, choose a relevant option from the shared telephone menu, such as:-

  • Press1 to choose a suitable language

  • And then press1 for a flight ticket

  • Press4 for an upgrade

  • Press8 for baggage claim

  • Press0 to contact customer service

Via online

When you could call the airline, then you may have to pay cellular charges, and you could avoid the same by using its online modes. There you could carry out the procedure independently, and the step related to that is as follows:-

  • Get to EasyJet’s official web page

  • Further, choose to manage booking options

  • Later, submit your surname with the booking reference number

  • On the next tab, click on the refund icon

  • Further, share the details asked in the form and click on the submit icon.

How long does it take to seek a refund from EasyJet?

When you have submitted a refund request on EasyJet, then you can acquire a refund within the time prescribed by the airline. But for the complicated case, the time could be exceeded. Hence, detailed information about those is mentioned at the bottom:-

  • When you have made a transaction with a credit card or cash, then you can have your money within twenty business days.

  • And if you have made a payment other than above stated modes, then money could reflect in your bank statement within seven to ten working days.

Hence, the problem is How do I Request An EasyJet Refund? It might get in your way because the answer in context to that has been written above. If you have any doubts about the reimbursement, then reach out to its customer service team for answers.