Many women suffer from high blood pressure or BP during pregnancy months. The fluctuations of BP during pregnancy might pose a danger to both the mother and child. Moreover, it can cause issues during postnatal care.

If you’re a would-be mother, you might also be at risk of blood pressure in pregnancy. This blog will walk you through the dangers, risks and ways to prevent high blood pressure. Keep reading to understand how to protect your child and maintain your blood pressure during pregnancy.

What happens during high blood pressure in pregnancy?

The normal BP during pregnancy should be 120/80. However, you have elevated blood pressure when your systolic pressure is between 120-129, and your diastolic pressure is less than 80.

High BP increases stress on your internal organs, like the heart and kidneys. This issue is termed Gestational Hypertension or Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension(PIH). It affects the circulatory system and causes the blood vessels to narrow and become constrained. The applied pressure on the blood vessels affects the placenta by reducing the blood flow, limiting the oxygen supply and nutrients to the developing fetus.

In addition to understanding how to prevent gestational hypertension or Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension (PIH), another important aspect to consider is stem cell banking. Stem cell banking is a process where expectant parents have the option to preserve and store stem cells from their baby’s umbilical cord blood and tissue after birth. These stem cells are unique and have the potential to develop into various types of cells in the body.

The problems related to high BP during pregnancy can risk the mother’s and child’s lives. It is essential to understand how to prevent this issue.

Keeping BP in check during pregnancy

One thing that you can do to ensure your child’s safety is to keep your blood pressure in check throughout your pregnancy journey. You must avoid high BP during pregnancy to prevent diseases like hypertension. Some of the healthy pregnancy tips you can follow are:

  • Regular checkups – Visit your doctor regularly and ensure your BP during pregnancy remains normal. Regular tests help identify and cut the chances of any potential issues beforehand.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle – A healthy diet consisting of greens, leafy vegetables, whole grains, and fresh fruits would curb the chances of getting high BP. You can also practice light yoga or meditation in pregnancy. Mindfulness helps to keep your mind and body healthy.
  • Limit your salt intake – Avoid eating processed, canned, and other saturated fats. They contain sodium and salt, which can elevate the normal bp in pregnancy. Instead, choose low-sodium food items.
  • Weight and BMI management – Taking care of weight during pregnancy is often underestimated. Go for long walks and follow light workouts. However, do not lift heavy weights or practice extensive exercises.
  • Include potassium in the diet – Include potassium rich food in your diet. It is an important mineral to curb high blood pressure during pregnancy. The source can be – potatoes, bananas, tomatoes, dried fruits, or peas. Remember, the ideal intake of potassium is between 2,000 to 4,000 mg.

Wrapping up,

People say that the mother knows best. High blood pressure during pregnancy can be risky, and that’s why, being a mother, you must notice the pregnancy symptoms for high BP and take effective measures to maintain it. Take regular meals and practice a healthy lifestyle to lower the risks of high BP. If you face any issues, seek the advice of your doctor immediately.

In the ever-evolving health industry, your child deserves better care too. You must take the necessary steps to protect them from diseases in the future. How do you do that? The answer is stem cell banking. This small step can ensure that your child is protected from serious diseases, genetic deformities and has a stronger immune system. Come with us to Cryoviva and take the first step to a better future for your child.