Companies like Target and IKEA view AR apps as competitive advantages and transformative applications. Due to these developments, online gaming, shopping, and even learning and development are now considered user experiences. A growing number of startups and technopreneurs are investing in this technology, especially through AR app development. In case you are looking for similar information, here is a comprehensive article on building an augmented reality application.

What Is The Future Of Augmented Reality Apps According To The Statistics?

According to the statistics, the future of augmented reality (AR) apps is promising. Here are some key findings:
Market size: The AR market size is expected to reach $61.39 billion by 2023, up from $3.33 billion in 2015 (Statista).
User adoption: The number of AR users is expected to grow from 60 million in 2013 to 1 billion in 2020 (Digi-Capital).
AR gaming: The AR gaming market is expected to reach $284.93 billion by 2023, up from $11.35 billion in 2018 (PR Newswire).
AR shopping: The AR shopping market is expected to reach $1.6 trillion by 2025, up from $8 billion in 2019 (PYMNTS).
AR education: The Augmented Reality in education market is expected to reach $5.3 billion by 2023, up from $0.3 billion in 2016 (PR Newswire).
AR advertising: The AR advertising market is expected to reach $2.4 billion by 2023, up from $0.6 billion in 2018 (Business Wire).

Overall, the statistics indicate that the AR market is poised for significant growth in the coming years, with a wide range of industries and use cases being impacted by this technology.

Types of Augmented Reality Apps

Types of Augmented Reality Apps

There are several types of augmented reality (AR) apps, which can be categorized based on their primary function and usage. Here are some of the most common types:
Gaming: AR gaming apps use real-world environments and objects as the basis for games that overlay digital elements, such as characters and objects.
Education and Training: AR education and training apps provide interactive, immersive learning experiences that can enhance retention and comprehension.
Navigation: Navigation apps use AR to provide real-time directions and information about points of interest in the user’s immediate surroundings.
Marketing and Advertising: AR marketing and advertising apps create engaging and interactive campaigns that leverage technology to offer unique experiences and drive engagement.
Home Decor and Furniture: AR home decor and furniture apps enable users to visualize how products will look in their home environment before making a purchase.
Medical: AR medical apps provide training and simulation experiences for medical professionals, as well as augmented visualization and guidance during surgical procedures.
Travel and Tourism: AR travel and tourism apps offer interactive experiences that can enhance travellers’ understanding and appreciation of destinations and cultural landmarks.

These are just a few examples of the many types of AR apps that are available or in development, and the technology is constantly evolving and expanding into new areas.

What is the location of AR tech users?

The location of AR tech users can vary widely depending on factors such as the specific application of the technology, the target demographic, and regional adoption rates.
Generally speaking, AR technology is used by individuals and organizations across the world, with particularly high adoption rates in more developed regions such as North America, Europe, and Asia.
Some common use cases for AR technology include gaming, education and training, retail and marketing, healthcare, and industrial applications. As such, the location of AR tech users can range from home users playing AR games on their smartphones to professionals using AR technology for work-related tasks in a variety of industries.
Saudi Arabia- 45%
USA- 28%
UAE- 42%

Industrial applications of augmented reality

Industrial applications of augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR) has the potential to transform a variety of industries by providing new and innovative ways to visualize and interact with digital information in the real world. The following are some examples of AR applications in the industry:
Manufacturing and Maintenance: AR can provide real-time information and guidance to workers during the assembly, inspection, and maintenance of complex machinery. In addition to reducing downtime and improving productivity, AR can assist workers with identifying and diagnosing issues more quickly.
Architecture and Construction: AR can be used to create 3D models of building designs and overlay them onto real-world environments, allowing architects and builders to visualize and test their strategies before construction begins. In addition, AR can improve the accuracy of building plans for construction workers.
Healthcare: AR can provide doctors and surgeons with real-time information during procedures, such as overlaying patient data and imaging onto the surgical field. AR can also help medical students visualize and learn anatomy more effectively.
Retail and Marketing: AR can help customers visualize products before purchasing them, such as by overlaying virtual furniture onto real-world environments. AR can also provide new and innovative ways to market products, such as by creating interactive product demonstrations.
Logistics and Supply Chain: AR can help warehouse workers locate and identify inventory more quickly and accurately, reducing errors and improving efficiency. As well as tracking and updating shipments in real-time, AR is also capable of providing real-time information.

In industry, AR can be applied in a number of ways. These examples show just a few. Future AR applications will be even more innovative and transformative as AR technology evolves and improves.


The advantages are:

Enhancement of User Experience: By integrating AR into real-world environments, users can interact with digital content in an immersive and engaging way.
Training and Learning are Improved: AR can provide an enhanced learning experience, particularly for medicine, engineering, and architecture students.
Increased Efficiency: AR can help users complete tasks more quickly and accurately, especially in fields such as manufacturing, logistics, and maintenance.
Better Product Visualization: AR can help customers visualize products before purchasing them, leading to higher customer satisfaction and fewer product returns.
Reduction of costs: By utilizing augmented reality, physical prototypes can be reduced, which can be time-consuming and costly.
Enhanced Safety: By providing workers with real-time guidance and information, AR can reduce accidents and improve overall safety.
AR Marketing: Companies can use AR to create more engaging and memorable marketing campaigns, increasing brand awareness and customer loyalty.

Overall, the advantages of using AR depend on the specific use case and the context in which it is used. However, as AR technology continues to evolve and improve, we can expect to see even more advantages emerge in the coming years.

Examples of popular augmented reality apps for development inspiration

Sure, here are some popular augmented reality (AR) apps that you can check out for development inspiration:
Pokemon Go: A game that involves catching virtual creatures in the real world using AR technology.

Snapchat: A social media app that uses AR filters to add animations and effects to selfies and videos.

Ikea Place: An app that allows users to place virtual furniture in their real-world environments using AR, giving them a sense of how the furniture would look in their home.

Google Translate: An app that uses AR technology to translate text in real-time, allowing users to point their camera at foreign text and see the translation overlaid on their screen.

Holo: An app that lets users place virtual 3D models in the real world and interact with them, making it great for visualizing products or showing off architectural designs.

Amikasa: An app that helps users visualize interior design and furniture arrangements in 3D with augmented reality.

Quiver: An educational app that brings coloring pages to life using AR, making learning more interactive and engaging for children.

MeasureKit: An app that uses AR to measure distances, angles, and more in real-world environments, making it a useful tool for construction and architecture professionals.

These apps are just a few examples of what’s possible with AR technology. There are countless other applications for AR, so don’t be afraid to get creative!

Cost of developing an augmented reality app
Cost of developing an augmented reality app

There is probably a question in your mind about how much it costs to develop an augmented reality application.
The cost of creating an app for a single platform (iOS or Android) is $60,000 or more. If you decide to pursue augmented reality app development, you need to be prepared to invest this much.
Aside from the number of platforms you are targeting, the country in which you outsource app development, as well as the SDKs and functionality that you are going to implement, the final cost depends on several factors. Depending on the circumstances, the cost can exceed $500,000 and even exceed $1 million.
If you want to create real-life environments, augmented reality content creation can eat up a lot of your budget.


Challenges are a common occurrence in augmented reality app development. An augmented reality app development company with experience in various industries can develop various applications for diverse solutions. With their experts’ experience and portfolio of projects, they can assist in accomplishing your objectives. Augmented reality developers possess vast experience with advanced technologies and possess the knowledge of optimizing existing AR frameworks. Combining AR with cutting-edge artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms can enhance app performance and improve customer satisfaction.