Communicating clashing situations on a hotly debated issue is basic expertise in the scholastic world. To put it succinctly, to disprove your opponent’s viewpoint, you need a well-supported, contradictory position backed by evidence, which is also called a counterargument. In this article, the expert will elaborate on what counterarguments are and what is their purpose, and why they are important.


What does counterargument mean in an essay?

Counterarguments should dispel any doubts that readers may have about your positions. In addition, the purpose of an opposing argument is to provide an explanation for why the thesis statement is incorrect. Your counterargument demonstrates that you are aware that there are various perspectives, whether you include them in the introduction or devote an entire paragraph to them.

Your paper is well-structured and supported by addressing claims against your main points of view, making you smarter. It’s a good idea to include a reason why you don’t agree with your claim in your outline for an argumentative essay.


Why Counterarguments are Important

When you include a counterargument in your assignment, you show that:

  • You know a lot about the subject and how to back up your ideas.
  • You can address opposing viewpoints and have conducted thorough research on the subject.
  • You don’t misjudge feelings that conflict with yours.
  • You are prepared to discuss opposing ideas and do not blindly adhere to your viewpoints.
  • You have reasoned your way to the ultimate position, not because you are biased.
  • You give the credibility of your arguments and strengthen them.


Why Include a Counterargument in an Argumentative Essay?

If you include a counterargument in your essay, it will make your writing more persuasive, according to eduhelphub. It is false to believe that taking this approach will compromise your claim or weaken your position. In contrast, by doing so, you respectfully acknowledge evidence or points of view that are in opposition to your argument.

A counterargument, according to some students, will divert readers from the main claim. However, because it demonstrates that the issue was elaborated from multiple perspectives, it will be included by any superior argumentative essay writing service. Finally, by presenting both sides of the issue, you promote critical thinking.


Example of Counterargument in an Essay

A relevant example of an argument on a particular subject is provided below, along with advice on how to avoid writing an irrelevant counterargument.

The argument:

“On college campuses, smoking is favored by many students. They frequently argue that authorities cannot prohibit smoking on campus unless it is already illegal”.

Insufficient counter-argument:

“However, the college administration is the final decision-maker and has the authority to prohibit anything they deem inappropriate on campus”.

This counterargument is pointless because, even if the college administration has the authority to impose restrictions, it cannot ignore the requirements of students on every ground.

Take a look at the following counterargument.

“Passive smoking or secondhand smoke, on the other hand, can harm asthmatics in the area and put them at risk of deteriorating their health”.

The primary goal of this example is to openly discuss the other perspective. You may not agree with this point of view, but you should show that you are aware that other people might have a different point of view. They are entitled to do so because there is no one-sided issue. The reader can see how students smoking on campus could harm others in the second example.


Common Mistakes to Avoid While Writing Counterarguments

When writing argumentative essays, keep these things in mind and try to avoid them as much as you can:

  • You haven’t investigated the various points of view on the subject.
  • You do not include any ideas to back up your positions that contradict your thesis.
  • You commit an excess of room and thoughtfulness regarding going against reasons.
  • You only express your opinion in the introduction, not a different point of view.
  • Throughout the paper, you constantly switch perspectives and have an inconsistent line of thought.
  • To refute the viewpoint of the opponent, you employ language that is offensive or biased.
  • You disregard the opponent’s position because you believe it to be incorrect.
  • You not only make a strong case, but you also make the counterpoint weak and ineffective.
  • You are unable to demonstrate how your position responds to the opposing idea.
  • Avoid using sarcasm and satire if you are not an expert in rhetoric.


Final Thoughts

When writing your paper, you might decide to include a denial statement in a sentence or a whole section. The assignment essay help suggests using a specific layout to accurately and clearly convey your viewpoints, regardless of your decision. In a nutshell, for a well-supported and persuasive piece of writing, it is essential to provide counterargument examples and explain both sides of an issue.