These days, if a company does not have a website, it may as well not exist. Businesses need to have websites in order to reach new customers and retain existing ones. Creating a website can either be done by an in-house website development team or by hiring an agency specializing in web development solutions. However, large enterprise companies have different needs for their websites than those for small to mid-sized businesses.
An enterprise website requires greater scaling, increased security, and more features and data storage than a website for a small or mid-sized business. Enterprise websites also have more of a global reach than small business websites do. These differences will be discussed in more detail below.
Greater Scaling
One of the main ways an enterprise website differs from a small business website is that an enterprise website requires greater scaling. An enterprise website typically has more pages than a small business website. Enterprise websites also experience greater amounts of visitor traffic. Therefore, the web design team must be able to scale the enterprise website as needed. Scaling refers to adding or removing functionalities as needed. An enterprise website may be scaled to accommodate more traffic during the holiday shopping season. The checkout software can also be scaled up to accommodate increased traffic.
Another way an enterprise website differs from a small business website is that an enterprise website has increased security measures. Enterprise companies are more prominent, making them more likely to fall victim to hackers. Therefore, the web development team must add proactive security measures such as multi-factor authentication and firewalls to protect sensitive data. Often, enterprise web developers will store data in the cloud to further protect it from cyberattacks.
More Features
An enterprise website requires more features than a small business website. These additional features can include integration with third-party tools, chatbots, a customer relationship management (CRM) software system, and a content management system (CMS). Additionally, the web design team can choose to add features such as email sign-ups and links to the organization’s social media profiles.
More Data Storage
Enterprise websites require more data storage capabilities than small business websites. This is because enterprise websites typically have more pages and features than websites for smaller businesses. Web design teams can implement data storage capabilities by integrating extensive databases into the website. These databases can help companies manage information about people that visit the website. Data can be also be stored on repeat visitors.
Increased Global Reach
Additionally, enterprise websites have more global reach than small business websites. A well-designed website can help the company attract potential customers that live in a different state or country. Therefore, the company’s marketing team does not have to spend a lot of money on promoting the organization in different geographical markets.
Wrapping It Up
Enterprise websites tend to be more in-depth and detailed than websites for small to mid-sized businesses. Enterprise websites differ from small business websites due to having greater scaling, increased security, more features, more data storage, and increased global reach.
If enterprise-sized companies need help developing a website, they can consult an enterprise web design company. Zorbis is a leading enterprise web development company. In addition to enterprise web development services, Zorbis also offers mobile app design and digital marketing services. To learn more about how companies can benefit from Zorbis’ web development solutions, visit to schedule a meeting with a team of experts.