Consistent use of continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, can prevent sleep disruption, snoring and drops in oxygen levels associated with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

CPAP machine for OSA patient
CPAP machine treatment for OSA patients

It is frequently the first treatment offered to those living with OSA, and when used regularly over an extended period it has proven highly beneficial in improving daytime alertness, moodiness reduction and quality of life improvement as well as weight loss, lower blood pressure levels and reduce risk factors associated with heart disease.

CPAP also offers many mental health advantages, including:

– decreased depression, anxiety and hostility
– improved memory and concentration
– better relationships
– reduced fatigue
– and more likely accidents avoidance and higher job performance.

Studies indicate that people using their device on a consistent basis have 62% lower chances of mortality compared to those not using one at all.

CPAP treatment OSA therapy

Recent advancements in understanding pathophysiological mechanisms and anatomical phenotypes offer tailored treatment pathways for individuals living with OSA. Determining who may benefit most from CPAP therapy alone and which ones could also benefit from adjunctive treatments like stimulants is crucial. According to a 2019 meta-analysis, compared with no treatment CPAP reduced AHI, daytime sleepiness scores from Epworth Sleepiness Scale scores, nighttime blood pressure readings as well as 24-hour mean BP readings more significantly than no treatment compared with no treatment – as measured using 24-hour mean blood pressure readings from 24-hour mean readings from 24-hour mean readings of 24-hour mean BP readings from 24-hour mean.

CPAP therapy can be an effective first-line treatment option for moderate to severe OSA patients. However, compliance is often subpar. This could be caused by various factors including psychological issues, machine issues as well as high nasal resistance. Contact the sleep health specialist at The Air Station in Singapore for more information about home-based sleep test and CPAP therapy based on your sleep conditions.