They say it is all written.

That this moment, you, reading this very blog right now, was already set to happen by a higher power. This is the concept of fate, where we, as humans, witness and experience life that was preplanned.

However, this cannot always be the case. Sometimes, fate wants us to challenge it. In doing so, we just might change our fate. Let’s discuss how.

The Question

First, let’s discuss where this question even stemmed from. Odds are you may have experienced the feeling of helplessness. No matter how hard you try, things just don’t go your way. This is the part where your rip-the-band-aid-right-off friend jumps in and says, “Whatever will be, will be.”

Some find this satisfying. However, those refusing to relinquish control cannot reconcile with the fact that their entire life has been prewritten for them, and they have no say in the matter.

If everything is already written, what’s the point of anything? What about free will?

But no one wants that. There is nothing more we do not like than our freedom stolen from us. We must, then, take matters into our own hands. Hence, the question, “Can you change your fate?”

The Power of Choice

The force directly opposing fate is “choice.”You see, every choice that you make determines a particular outcome for you in the future. You may not even know it, but a slight turn to the right while driving can save you from an accident. It probably has, and you don’t know.

Similarly, going to the grocery store by chance, encountering someone by the vegetable section can lead to you sitting by the porch with them, old and gray.

These are choices. Once we understand the power of choice, all our questions will be answered.

Get this, if our fate really was sealed, then we would not have so many choices in every predicament. With that being said, what if you were told you were still underestimating the power of choice?

Multiple Universes

Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect?

Yes, the concept where even the slightest of actions can actually create an alternate and parallel reality completely different from the one you are currently in. Many theories support the existence of alternate dimensions and realities. If our fate was sealed, then the math wouldn’t check out.

Embracing Uncertainty

This does not negate the fact that there will still be times when things are out of your control. It is your decisions, in fact, that lead you to this lack of control, but a different set of decisions reclaim it. And if you feel powerless in the face of adversity, embrace it, for there is never a right and wrong choice in life. It’s just extracting the most out of it.

As for John Carter in Wessam Eldein’s book, The Quiz, we have a lot of questions as to why he is deciding to end his life. The Quiz is a mind-bending read of multidimensional proportions. Glance into the past and delve into what led Carter to take this decision.

The Quiz is now available on Amazon.