Every Muslim strives to complete the Umrah at least once in their lifetime; it is a selfless yet honourable act. This sacred rite may only be performed by individuals who are sufficiently affluent and physically competent. Umrah is one of the finest ways to become closer to Allah Almighty. Muslims should always seek forgiveness from Allah Tallah. Since it compels the Muslim to leave their comforts behind and spend all of their time in worshipping Allah, umrah has great benefits. When performing Umrah and its rituals, Muslims can travel comfortably by using Umrah packages from travel agency in London uk. Some scholars claim that a woman may do Umrah or Hajj without a Mahram provided she goes in a group they may trust or if the routes are secure. Despite this, there has been debate among scholars regarding what a mahram is.


Islam’s view of the Mahram:

The word mahram denotes protection and consideration. He protects women from the irrationality and corrupting influences of the outside world. Due to the large number of people who perform Umrah and Hajj, a woman travelling alone is almost guaranteed to attract unwanted attention from men. Therefore, she needs the security that a mahram can offer. Because Umrah is a holy pilgrimage that denotes purity, the mahram has a responsibility to uphold women’s respect.


Before, it was prohibited for women to perform Umrah without a mahram:

For safety and comfort, Islam insisted that women conduct the pilgrimage with their husbands or a family member. For security concerns, a lot of academics have claimed that it is crucial to travel with a mahram. They think it’s safe for women to travel in groups. Only women under the age of 45 were accepted as being able to travel in the reliable company of a male family member or husband.


The most recent announcement regarding Umrah and Hajj without a mahram came from Saudi Arabia:

Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Hajj and Umrah, Tawfiq bin Fawzan Al-Rabiah, said that women coming to Saudi Arabia are now able to complete their pilgrimages without a mahram, or male guardian. This and other announcements were made at a news conference held at the Kingdom’s embassy in Cairo, according to the state-run SPA. Senior officials from the embassy and ministry as well as Osama bin Ahmed Nugali, the Saudi ambassador to Egypt, were present at the event. A woman may now undertake Umrah or Hajj without a mahram as long as she is accompanied by “trustworthy women or a secure company to perform Hajj,” according to Hajj and Umrah Services Adviser Ahmed Saleh Halabi. Both the Maliki and Shafi’i schools of thought are accepted by academics.


Allowing women to participate in the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages without a “mahram” or male guardian is a historic decision:

On Monday, Riyadh announced a change that would reportedly apply to pilgrims from all around the globe. Despite exceptions being made for women who are travelling in sizable groups of other women for the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimages, the revelation ends a long-standing Saudi Arabian law. Other Muslim scholars have taken a different stance from Saudi clerics who have traditionally believed that women must have a mahram in order to perform the Hajj and Umrah. Alhijaz Travel offers umrah packages at lowest price for uk citizens to perform the Umrah and Hajj Pilgrimages.


Security has extended throughout the Kingdom:

“Security has stretched throughout the Kingdom, in all modes of transportation, and at ports, providing women with full protection,” the statement reads in reference to the stringent measures the Kingdom has put in place to ensure the safety of women. A strong legal framework has also been established, complete with an anti-harassment procedure. Security cameras are necessary at important sites including airports, border crossing points, the Grand Mosque, the Prophet’s Mosque, and others. A woman thus feels secure, particularly when she is with other women she trusts.