Companies create fantastic products, and upload images to their articles, but don’t spend the time necessary to optimize or prepare the configuration of these photos so that they appear in search results.

Think about the industrial sector. Potential customers are very knowledgeable and know exactly what they want.

In addition to the fact that the correct optimization of images on your website will help Google position your site on the web in general.

Spend time setting up the images. By rushing to publish your information, you could be losing valuable web traffic and, therefore, losing out on opportunities to generate leads for your digital advertising objectives.

Why not use the basic principles of image SEO to improve your company’s ranking and increase its ability to capture business opportunities

Images play a key role in SEO strategies. They help Google understand your website’s context, just like page titles and descriptions.


Name the images appropriately

The name of the file that you use matters in the positioning of your image, it must be descriptive, and clear.

Use conventions to make the name easy to understand. The name should tell you what the picture contains, without opening it or viewing the photo.

It is not productive to use the same image repeatedly when it can be used in multiple places without any problems.

Avoid abbreviations and use the space available to spell out the words. This will allow you to position yourself correctly.

Combining data and parameters is important. In this case, it’s better to use hyphens to separate the words, so the search engine can identify the words.

You can improve your SEO by adding more information to the name and structuring it better.


Describes well the alternative text attributes in images

Alt text can be very helpful for search engines. It is useful to visually impaired users who use screen reader software, or when images are not loading properly due to a connection issue.

Google uses alt text as a classification factor because it shows that the website is concerned about accessibility and usability. It also provides context for the website.

Search engines do not view images the same way as people, they read the source code and not the actual image. This is why the content must be described well so that Google will index the page.

It is not necessary to use a specific number of words in the alternative text for an image.

However, between 10 and fifteen words should be sufficient, if you want to describe the main features of the product. The text should not be the same as the image’s name, but a coherent one.


You must be consistent with the image titles in the button

The title of an image will appear when you move the cursor over it. It is important that the title is correct and the same as the text on the image.

This is a factor that may be more important for user interaction than SEO positioning. However, it can improve conversion rates when you are promoting a particular action on your site.


Be careful with the size of the images

You’ve probably heard that smaller images or fewer sizes are important for positioning. This is because Google wants the pages to load quickly. You’ll be rewarded by both Google and your users.


Optimize link texts to images

It is important to give more details than “Show photo” or “See Photo” when creating a link or hyperlink to a picture.

Images are an important part of positioning your website. They are often not treated properly due to ignorance or haste.

More and more people are searching for images, and you can find companies by using a photo. The image can be an important tool in locating new clients, especially for certain niche industries.

What do you currently do to improve your SEO or what practices best suit your industry? Reach us at Digital Specialist to learn the best ways to position your business.