Yoga is a practice that requires nothing more than your yoga mat. If you don’t have yoga mats, you can also use a force or a sheet. Yoga takes care of your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Yoga with asanas, meditation exercises, pranayama, mudras, etc helps you to do a full-body workout. Through Yoga in Bali, you can learn yoga and get complete information about yoga. In times of covid when we are all worried, you must help your body to function optimally, especially your lungs which help in the flow of oxygen in your body. 

Here are some yoga poses with the help of which you can keep your lungs healthy in the time of covid. Let’s have a look at these-

1. Ardha Chandrasana

  • Start with Padahastasana.
  • Now take your left leg back.
  • Bring your knee to the ground and extend your toes in front.
  • Place your arms over your head and look up.
  • Breathe in and do the back band.
  • Stay in the pose for a while, then repeat the same with the other leg.


2. Dhanurasana

  • Lie down on your stomach.
  • Now bend your knees and lift them up.
  • Grasp your ankles with your palms and raise your legs and arms as high as you can.
  • stay in this posture for a while
  •  Then come back to normal position.


3. Hastha Uthanasana

  • Stand with your feet together.
  • Keep your spine straight.
  • Relax your shoulders.
  • While inhaling, interlock your fingers and move the hands above the head.
  • Stand on your toes.
  • Exhale and bring your heels down.
  • Repeat 3 sets of 30 seconds each.


4. Bhujangasana

  • First of all, lie down on your stomach and place your palms under your shoulders.
  • Now keep your feet together and join the fingers with the ground.
  • Then take a full breath, hold the breath, and then raise your head, and shoulders at an angle of 30 degrees.
  • Keep in mind that your navel is touching the ground and your shoulders are wide and your head is slightly raised.
  • Apply pressure to your toes, this activates the Sun (right) and Moon (left) channels that connect to your lower back.
  • Stay in this pose for 10 seconds, then slowly lower your torso and then exhale.


5. Khand Pranayama

  • First, you sit in Dandasana, keep your back straight, and breathe for some time.
  • Now bend your legs in Sukhasana and prepare your mind for the practice.
  • Sit in any comfortable posture (such as Sukhasana, Vajrasana, Ardha Padmasana, Padmasana, or Siddhasana) The ideal pose is Purna Padmasana.
  • Straighten your back and close your eyes.
  • Place your palms on your knees (in Pratana Mudra).
  • While inhaling, divide your breath into two parts.
  • Now without holding the breath in the lungs, exhale twice.
  • Yoga helps to make you physically healthy and mentally strong so for a successful life, powerful life, full life, healthy life, and beautiful life yoga is very important.

The best time to practice yoga is in the morning. Morning sun is very beneficial for your physical and mental health and will keep you active, focused, and positive for the whole day.