Public projects often get into financial trouble and David Taussig & Associates know this, which is why they came up with the idea of private financial consulting for public enterprises. Public enterprises often come up against the same problem which is poor financial management. Poor financial management can cripple a public project and given that it is the public’s money that is used for public projects, these disasters are huge. Any public enterprise can do with private consulting. The private consultant does not take over the management of the finances but rather guides the public enterprises’ financial team towards working in the most efficient, transparent and professional way. If the public financial team needs training, the private financial consultant offers in-house work training or on-the-job work training. They provide the public financial team with the skills that they may need, and the confidence too.
Transparency with finances
Because the public’s money is used in public projects, a CFD consultant guides the public financial team towards total transparency and accountability. The public deserve to know how their money is being spent and they are rightly outraged if money goes through the wrong channels or if money is misspent, of, and we don’t even like to say it, if there is nepotism or corruption. A private CFD consultant or a private financial firm ensures that nothing sinister goes on in public financial teams, including bad management of the funds. Private financial consulting firms help public firms and enterprises to manage their money in the right way, the way it should be managed.
In a way, it is thanks to private financial firms that public projects get off the ground and meet their deadlines, falling within their budgets. And it is thanks to the legendary and well-known David Taussig & Associates who first offered and starred this practice.