YouTube has been a popular video-sharing website for many years. It is estimated that YouTube has over 1 billion active users, and more than 300 hours of video are uploaded to the site every minute!

YouTube is a great way to share your videos with the world, and it can also be a great way to make money. But are you wondering how you could get more engagement and followers? Well, it’s about time you learned about the YouTube Join Button.

This article will discuss the YouTube Join Button and how you can use it to grow your Channel!

YouTube Join Button

What is the YouTube Join Button?

The YouTube Join Button is a feature that allows members to join and support a YouTube channel.

When you add the Join Button to your YouTube channel, your subscribers will be able to join your channel membership for a monthly fee. You can set this fee, and it will appear as a recurring charge on their credit or debit card statement.

As a YouTube channel member, your subscribers will get access to exclusive content, such as:

  • Early access to videos:  Your YouTube channel members will be able to watch your videos before they are released to the public.
  • Ad-free viewing: YouTube channel members can watch your videos without any ads.
  • Live stream chat: YouTube channel members can join in on live chats while you are streaming live.
  • Members-only posts in the community tab: YouTube channel members can see and engage with exclusive posts in the community tab.
  • Emoji reactions: YouTube channel members will be able to use exclusive emoji reactions that are only available to YouTube channel members.
  • Subscriber-only Q&A videos: YouTube channel members will be able to submit questions for you to answer in a video.

Not only will this give your YouTube subscribers access to exclusive content, but it will also help support your Channel financially.

How to Use the YouTube Join Button

Now that you know what the YouTube Join Button is and what it does, let’s talk about how you can use it to grow your YouTube channel!

Adding the Join Button to your YouTube channel is a great way to engage with your subscribers and give them exclusive content. But before you add the Join Button, there are a few things you need to do first:

  • Set up membership tiers: You will need to decide how much you want to charge for your channel membership and what exclusive content your subscribers will get access to.
  • Create exclusive content: Once you’ve set up your membership tiers, you will need to create exclusive content for your YouTube channel members. This could be anything from early access videos to live stream chats.
  • Promote your YouTube channel membership: After you’ve added the Join Button to your Channel and created some exclusive content, you will need to promote your channel membership. How do you do this? You can create a promotional video or add a link to your YouTube membership in your channel description.

Adding the YouTube Join Button to your Channel is a great way to engage with your subscribers and give them exclusive content. But before you add the Join Button, set up your membership tiers, create exclusive content, and promote your YouTube channel membership!

How to Get the YouTube Join Button

The YouTube Join Button is a great way to grow your YouTube channel and engage with your subscribers. But how do you get the YouTube Join Button?

You can add the Join Button to your YouTube channel by going to your YouTube Studio and selecting Channel. Then, select Advanced and click on the Join button. You can customize your YouTube Join Button and add it to your Channel!

However, it would be best to remember that the YouTube Join Button is only available to YouTube channels with at least 100,000 subscribers. So if you don’t have 100,000 subscribers yet, keep working on growing your YouTube channel to add the Join Button later down the road!

If you can’t wait to access this, you could always send YouTube Market a message to buy YouTube Subscribers.

The Benefits of the YouTube Join Button

Benefits of the Join Button for YouTubers

YouTube Join Button

Since we have already discussed what a Join Button does, what are its benefits?

Here are some of the benefits of the YouTube Join Button:

  • Join Button helps you engage with your subscribers: The YouTube Join Button allows you to interact with your subscribers in a new way. You can give them exclusive content and access to live stream chats.
  • Allows you to create exclusive content: The YouTube Join Button will enable you to create exclusive content for your YouTube channel members. This could be anything from early access videos to live stream chats. Moreover, it can help you gain more YouTube views.
  • Earn more money: The YouTube Join Button helps support your YouTube channel financially. Although YouTube cuts the membership fee, most of the money goes directly to you!

Benefits of the Join Button for Subscribers

Aside from having benefits for the YouTubers themselves, the Join Button is also beneficial for the subscribers. Since the viewers are the ones who will avail the said membership, it is best that they also get their money’s worth.

So, what are the benefits of the YouTube Join Button for viewers?

Some of the benefits of the YouTube Join Button for Subscribers include:

  • Gives them exclusive content: The YouTube Join Button allows channel members to get exclusive content from their favorite YouTube channels. This could be great if you love seeing the entire content of your favorite vlogger. Who knows, you might also have access to fan meets?
  • Helps support their favorite YouTube channels: The YouTube Join Button also helps viewers financially support their favorite YouTube channels.
  • Allows them to interact with YouTube channels: The YouTube Join Button will enable viewers to interact with their favorite YouTube channels and vloggers. This already includes a live stream where fans and the content creator can interact with each other. Aside from this, you can also send personal emails to the YouTube channel you subscribed to for any query.


Q: What is the YouTube Join Button?

A: The YouTube Join Button is a great way to engage with your subscribers and give them exclusive content. You can add the Join Button to your YouTube channel by going to your YouTube Studio and selecting Channel. Then, select Advanced and click on the Join button. You can customize your YouTube Join Button and add it to your Channel!

Q: What are the benefits of using the YouTube Join Button?

A: The YouTube Join Button has many benefits for YouTube channels and subscribers. For YouTube channels, the Join Button helps you engage with your subscribers and allows you to create exclusive content. The Join Button will enable subscribers to get exclusive content from their favorite YouTube channels.

Q: How do I add the YouTube Join Button to my Channel?

A: You can add the Join Button to your YouTube channel by going to your YouTube Studio and selecting Channel. Then, select Advanced and click on the Join button. You can customize your YouTube Join Button and add it to your Channel!


The YouTube Join Button is a great way to engage with your subscribers and give them exclusive content. If you are a YouTube channel owner, we recommend adding the Join Button to your Channel! And if you are a YouTube viewer, we recommend supporting your favorite channels by joining their membership!