1. Basilica of Bom Jesus


The Basilica of Bom Jesus considers as a part of the most visited World Legacy Locales in Goa. Renowned for lodging the carcass of St. Francis Xavier, this congregation remains as a glaring illustration of Portuguese engineering. It is viewed as the most seasoned church in Goa with a set of experiences that traces all the way back to something like 400 years.

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Indeed, that is the manner by which old this congregation is! Its non-put outsides and ornamented insides are a treat to the eyes of the a large number of guests, who make a direct route to observe this wonder consistently.


Area: Old Goa Street, Bainguinim

Church Timings:

9:00 am to 6:30 pm (Monday to Saturday)

10:30 am to 6:30 pm (Sunday)

Mass Timings:

7:00 am, 8:00 am and 6:00 pm (Monday to Saturday)

8:00 am, 9:15 am, 10:15 am and 6:00 pm (Sunday)

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2. Sé Catedral de St Nick Catarina


Simply a portion of a kilometer from the Basilica of Bom Jesus stands the Sé Catedral de St Nick Catarina. Otherwise called Se Church building, it is without a doubt one of the main 5 verifiable spots in Goa. This congregation is underlying the Portuguese-Manueline compositional style, and the fundamental raised area is committed to Catherine of Alexandria.

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Aside from its underlying excellence, an exceptional fascination of this 250-feet tall church is an enormous ringer in its pinnacle. This ringer is known as the Brilliant Chime, which is accepted to be the biggest in Goa. The chime is particularly known for its rich tone.


Area: Velha Goa

Church Timings: 7:30 am to 6:00 pm

Mass Timings:

7:00 am and 6:30 am (Work days)

7:15 am, 10:00 am and 4:00 pm (Sunday)

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3. Holy person Catherine’s House of prayer



When contrasted with the other gigantic houses of worship in Goa, Holy person Catherine’s Sanctuary is fairly little. However, what it needs size, it compensates for in authentic importance. Committed to Holy person Catherine, this congregation was constructed numerous hundreds of years back, in 1510 to be exact, in the Renaissance style of engineering. The basic special raised area inside the construction is a picture of quietness. Old Portuguese-style windows enriched with mica shells add to the excellence of the hallowed place. The congregation may not be useful any longer, however a visit to it is most certainly worth your time.

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Area: Taleigao

Timings: 6:00 am to 6:00 pm



4. Church of St. Francis of Assisi



As you get out of your lodging in Goa and begin investigating its striking places of worship, you make certain to run over the Congregation of Holy person Francis of Assisi.

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The first design was supplanted by the current one of every 1665. This congregation displays a three-level façade with two octagonal pinnacles, one remaining on each side. A figure of St. Michael is situated in the focal specialty of the façade. Something fascinating to note about this congregation is that it is inherent a blended design style. The outside gloats of Tuscan style while the inside is adorned with Rococo and Corinthian elements.

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Area: Off Public Roadway 4, Velha Goa

Church Timings: 7:30 am to 6:30 pm

Exhibition hall Timings: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm



5. Church of Our Woman of the Rosary



This authentic church is one of the milestones of Goa, never neglecting to allure guests with its greatness. One of the earliest houses of worship in Goa, it flaunts a two-story entrance.

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When inside, you will go over three lavishly resplendent special stepped areas and two houses of prayer. The primary special stepped area is committed to Our Woman of the Rosary. A fascinating truth to note about this congregation is that the main design in Goa still grandstands a middle age development style and engineering highlights.

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Area: Monte Santo, Old Goa

Timings: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm

Likewise Read: Journeying Spots in Goa


6. Church of Holy person Augustine


The Congregation of Holy person Augustine remains as a miserable declaration to Old Goa’s lost legacy. Today, this demolished church complex will be unable to offer you a brief look at its past brilliance; notwithstanding, it was once accepted to be one of the three great Augustinian temples that were a piece of the Iberian world. It had four special stepped areas, eight houses of prayer, and one cloister.

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All that remaining parts of this congregation today is the overwhelming 46-meter high pinnacle, which is one of the four pinnacles that were a piece of the congregation during its primes.


Area: Velha Goa

Timings: 6:30 am to 12:45 pm and 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm (Monday to Friday)


7. Church of Holy person Cajetan



Otherwise called the Congregation of Heavenly Provision, the Holy person Cajetan Church flaunts lovely design. Planned like Rome’s Basilica of St. Peter, the congregation shows the Corinthian style of design. It is implicit the type of a Greek cross and the huge vault has Latin engravings on its inside.

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Colossal sections and pilasters improve the magnificence of the construction that has seven raised areas inside. This congregation, devoted to Our Woman of Heavenly Provision, has wooden sculptures of a few Christian holy people, works of art, and models embellishing its inside.


Area: Velha, Bastora

Timings: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 4:00 am to 7:00 pm