I’m writing in response to the public concern about diy wifi jammer. These devices are dangerous and can put people in real danger, particularly if they call 911. I’ll explain why this is a real concern and how we should treat these devices with care, but first, let’s understand what they even do and why people use them.
Sure, wifi jammers are great for blocking Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals, but they can also block 9-1-1 calls, other important calls and emergency responders from communicating with each other.
For example, if a family nearby was being held hostage at knife-point and another neighbor called 9-1-1, their wifi jammer would prevent the call from going through.
If a family nearby was being held hostage at knife-point and another neighbor called 9-1-1, their wifi jammer would prevent the call from going through.
In addition to 911 calls, portable wifi jammer also interfere with other radio signals such as cell phones, police radios and even baby monitors. The danger of this is that if you’re in an emergency situation, you may be unable to call for help or get first responders to your location quickly enough. This could lead to serious injury or death.
9-1-1 calls are an important part of our everyday lives. People use them to get help during emergencies, but if the person is using a wifi jammer, their call won’t go through. This could mean that someone who needs help will be unable to get it and might be killed before help could arrive.
Police officers use radios when they’re on duty so they can receive information about crimes being committed or where other officers are located. If there’s a police officer near you who has their radio turned on and you have a wifi jammer, then the officer won’t be able to hear anything coming through his/her radio because of your device’s interference with their signal! He/she might not know that someone needs help nearby until after it’s too late!
Cell phones allow people to communicate with each other while they’re away from home or work: family members can stay in touch with each other while they’re out shopping together; friends can keep up with what’s happening in each others’ lives even when there isn’t time for an actual phone call; businesses can communicate important messages across long distances without having ever been near one another before.”
This is not an overblown concern. Wifi signal blocker are a serious threat, and they can do some real damage.
They can block emergency responders from reaching victims of accidents or crimes by preventing them from seeing the location of the victim’s mobile phone. They can also interfere with 9-1-1 calls and police efforts to track criminals using cell phone signals. Fire fighters may be unable to track fires, and paramedics could lose their ability to monitor patients’ vitals remotely using apps like Apple Health or Google Fit.
Wifi jammers are extremely dangerous. They can cause serious injury or even death, as well as property damage and fires. Wifi jammers can also cause you to lose important data that you need for your job or life.
I want to thank everyone who responded to my previous post. I now understand how important it is to keep WiFi jammers out of our city. The concern isn’t just theoretical, either: these devices are already in widespread use and could be dangerous at any moment.