If any new-ish knife in the industry typifies the term “pocket folder,” it is without a doubt the Kizer Sheepdog. Available in several different colors, scales, and steel configurations, the Sheepdog is attractive, ergonomic, comfortable to carry despite its size, and downright tough as nails.

Popularity is just one thing, though, and it can be fleeting. So what is it about this design that makes so many people think it may really be the best Kizer knife? We broke down its best attributes, and here they are.

Regardless of the model of interest, the Sheepdog is almost 8 inches long when opened and weighs over 5 ounces. That’s over half a foot and nearly half a pound. This is a big, heavy pocket knife

But despite that, it is comfortable and practical to carry via its integral pocket clip (not reversible) and doesn’t feel like it weighs down the pocket, either. You’ll know it’s there, don’t get us wrong, but it carries well.

It’s also super-fluid to deploy and very comfortable to handle, manipulate and hold in a variety of different grips. The recessed choil allows the knife to index naturally and the lack of hotspots make using it a breeze – even when you’re exerting yourself.

Right and Left Friendly
Another great thing about the Kizer Sheepdog is the lack of thumb studs. Don’t get us wrong – we’re not vehemently anti-stud – it’s just that the thing about studs is they favor one side of the knife, and if they don’t they can sometimes get in the way.

Instead, the Sheepdog has thumbholes that add no width to the pocket knife, minimize overall weight, and are right and left-friendly.

It’s Just So Tough
What can we say about the Kizer Sheepdog that someone else hasn’t alright observed, and likely eloquently? It’s a big, bruising blade, even in an industry that is increasingly favoring pocket cleavers, and it handles almost like a fixed blade.

Also, the blade locks via a frame lock that is much more structurally sound than a liner lock, the action is rock solid, and the blade shape lends extra strength towards the tip.

Let’s put it this way: it’s a folding knife that’s heavy enough and sturdy enough that you can chop with it. Light duty chopping, but chopping nonetheless. That should say enough.

Premium Super Steels
The Sheepdog is available in several different super steels, including 154CM and S35VN steel, which are both renowned for toughness, durability, edge-retention, and importantly, for corrosion-resistance as well. You can get the best of all worlds with one of these Kizer knives, and once you set the edge, you won’t need to touch it up every few days (unless you’re doing more chopping.)

Common Consensus Can’t Be Wrong
Now, there’s also the fact that popularity on one level speaks for itself. Almost everyone that’s carried one of these knives and critically reviewed it has loved it. It’s consistently ranked as one of the best Kizer knives if not the best Kizer knife of all, along with other top pocket knives from this high-end Chinese knife maker.

Plus, it has a unique blade shape, extra strength at the tip thanks to the Sheepsfoot style blade, and even though it’s on the bigger size, still serves well for everyday carry.

So It’s the Best Kizer Knife; Where Can You Get One?
Convinced you need to add one to your collection? Visit White Mountain Knives at WhiteMountainKnives.com to pick up a new Sheepdog at a great price and you’ll probably get free shipping doing it.

Even if this top Kizer doesn’t meet your criteria for “best Kizer knife,” at least for an EDC knife, you’ll come across some of the other top picks from Kizer cutlery, such as the Kizer Begleiter, Kizer Vanguard and Kizer Gemini, in addition to countless other quality knives from top knife designers.

Check out their website to learn more and contact them at [email protected] if you have any questions.

For more information about Pocket Knife Brands and Folding Pocket Knife Please visit: White Mountain Knives, LLC.