The responsibility to save the environment isn’t just down to big corporations and enterprises, but for us, the common citizens. We as individuals can also create a huge impact on the efforts to save the planet if we can cut down on the harmful waste that is destroying our earth.  

Plastic bags are clogging and suffocating our water resources. Plastic can take fifteen to 1,000 years to decompose, and the cost of recycling plastic bags isn’t worth their value.  

If we wish to preserve this beautiful planet of ours, we need to contribute in any small way we can. For a start, we can stop using single-use plastic bags and use eco-friendly bags for our shopping needs.  

We look at why making the switch to eco bags can be a wonderful idea.  

1 – Production 

It takes a lot of resources like oil and natural gas to produce plastic bags. Furthermore, they are not recyclable and hence only fit for one-time use.  

When you choose to use eco-friendly bags, it saves on non-renewable resources. Thereby, we contribute to a clean and green environment with our actions. 

2 – Save On Costs 

Some stores in the United States still offer plastic bags for free to their customers. However, most of them now charge an amount of around five cents per bag. So, you have the choice of spending a few dollars on reusable eco bags that can serve you for years or spending 35 to 50 dollars on environmentally harmful plastic bags every year. What would you choose? 

3 – Degradability 

Plastic is difficult to break down naturally. Plastic dumped into a landfill takes around a thousand years to degrade. That means that the plastic will be around for ten or more generations. So, simply speaking, plastics are forever. Furthermore, as the plastic degrades, they continue to break down into toxic materials, which are bad for the planet or environment. Another reason to switch over to eco-friendly bags made from natural materials.  

4 – Petroleum Depletion

The amount of petroleum used to drive a kilometer in a car is what it takes to produce seven plastic bags. As we know, petroleum, just like any other natural resource, is very scarce and non-renewable. Also, oil extraction methods are harmful to the environment.  

It is a prime example of unnecessary wastage of resources, as reusable eco bags can serve the same purpose as plastic bags even better.  

Wrap Up 

In summary, plastic bags harm our environment at a very deeper level. It is the responsibility of each one of us to do our bit to save the planet for our future generation. Giving up plastic bags in favor of reusable eco bags can make a lot of difference. To buy quality eco-friendly bags, visit Custom Green Promos.

Darrell Davis is the author of this article. To know more about Eco Friendly Bags. Please visit the website: