Kombucha tea is a fermented tea that contains tea, sugar, yeast and bacteria. Kombucha mushroom tea is also known as Kombucha tea. It contains both colony bacteria and yeast. Kombucha is made by adding yeast and colony bacteria to sugar and tea and then allowing it to ferment. It is high in vinegar, B vitamins and other chemical compounds.

Kombucha tea drinkers claim it can prevent and manage serious health conditions like high blood pressure and cancer. These claims are not supported by science. The evidence is insufficient to support the claims that kombucha tea may have similar health benefits as probiotics. It includes preventing constipation and healthy immunity. Many medical studies support the health benefits associated with kombucha. Let’s discuss them before you buy kombucha online in India.


Potential Source of Probiotics

Sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir all contain live microorganisms. Kombucha is a fermentation product. Kombucha is a product of fermentation. When they are in sufficient amounts, these probiotic bacteria can help to balance gut bacteria and improve digestion. Studies have not been done that prove kombucha is a probiotic. Many factors can influence the probiotic microbes, such as the fermentation time and how kombucha is made.


Could be a Source of Antioxidants

Antioxidants protect your body from free radicals that can cause oxidative damage. Although free radicals are a natural byproduct of biological processes, we must minimize their impact by consuming foods and beverages rich in antioxidants. Polyphenols are abundant in green tea. Many factors influence the antioxidant properties of kombucha. These variables include the tea it was made from and the fermentation process.


It may contain vitamins and minerals.

Kombucha contains small amounts of vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals are formed when yeast breaks down sugars. There will likely be some variation in the levels of products.



Acetic acid is one byproduct of fermentation. This compound can be found in green and dark teas and could inhibit the growth of yeast or bacteria while encouraging better strains.


Supports Heart Health

Animal studies have shown that kombucha can help lower cholesterol levels. It may also be combined with green tea’s protective polyphenols, lowering your risk of developing heart disease.



Before you buy kombucha online in India, you must know that it has many potential health benefits. It is important to remember that not all benefits have been demonstrated in human studies.

Kombucha can be safely enjoyed as part of a healthy diet if made correctly or purchased in-store.