Individual counseling is chosen to take care of traumas because it does so by having a one-to-one connection with the therapist. Traumas are hidden deep inside us; they are etched so deep inside our minds that it is quite hard to tackle them all by yourself. They can affect us so much in the long run, they can make us stop doing things that can be beneficial for us because every single thing will be reminding us of that traumatic event.

There is a chance that you might even become homebound because of the traumatic event that you went through. There are so many women that have been raped, that have been harassed, and abused, even at such a young age. The heart feels heavy even writing about such stories, because they are all true, women face such traumas, and according to a research done in Chicago, there were about 60 percent females and 40 percent males that took part in counseling to tackle their traumas that they have been living all their lives. So, if you are such a person facing trauma for a long time, and it is affecting your life to a point where you cannot function, then get in touch with Pneuma Counseling and start tackling this trauma before it tackles you to the point of never being able to get back up again.

People choose individual counseling mainly because of the one-to-one interaction they can get out of it. They are ashamed of sharing these traumatic events with their family members, if talking to family members was going to help, there would not be any need of therapists. Therapists are trained professionals that know how to talk to victims of rape, abuse, and trauma. They are well aware of their boundaries and well aware of their options. They can help the individual open up about their trauma so that the therapist can work on it with them to overcome it.

There are further more reasons why individual counseling can help you, they are the following:

Individual counseling can help you talk about your feelings without getting judged for it ever in your life.

There are so many people that do not share their traumas with their family members because they feel embarrassed that their child went through something like this, this does not mean they shouldn’t—they should share everything. Furthermore, they feel as if their parents won’t be able to understand them or believe them or they will judge them. But, to some extent, parents have to know, because they are the ones that will help you get individual counseling from reputable center such as Pneuma Counseling.

With individual counseling, you will be able to become a new person.

There are so many people in the world that have seen the changes in their life. They have said that due to individual counseling, they have worked on their mental issues, they have worked on their problems on a mental and intrinsic level. Due to this, these individuals became new versions of themselves that won’t be held down by their past traumas anymore. This is the power of individual counseling, and how it can change us for the better.

Therefore, if you are someone that is going through a lot of trauma and stressful situations in your life, and you have no one to share your thoughts and feelings with then do not worry, these things are important and there are dedicated professional people such as a counselor from a reputable center like Pneuma Counseling who can do this for you in the form of individual counseling and help you change your life around for the better.