An estimated 500 wasp’s species live in Canada and among them most prominent are paper wasps, yellow jackets, hornets and Mud Daubers. In a wasp colony you could find wasps numbering from half a dozen to 15 thousand and can become unmanageable. You will find paper wasps nests hanging from ceilings, trees, eves and window frame. Paper wasps build nests that are single-layered and made of plant matter and saliva. The umbrella like nest is either covered by paper like material or exposed and could house up to 300-400 wasps. Yellow jackets nests are also made of plant matter mixed with theirs saliva but they are multi-layered. You will find them in wall voids, tree hallows, underground burrows, attics, sheds, garages, thickets and dense vegetation near home. Yellow jacket nest can house up to 3,500 of them and their underground nests can have many branches and tunnels. If you identify and confirm yellow jackets in your home and surrounds call BBPP, the best wasps removal Markham at once and get rid of the nests or safety of family members can be compromised.
Hornets build their nests in most inaccessible places like wall cracks and wall sidings. They will build their globular nests on tree branches, thick brushes, and high on door frames and walls. Inside the globular nest you will find rows of cells that house hundreds and thousands of hornets. Hornets find lonely places that are inaccessible to human reach. Mud daubers build nests in sheltered places like building walls and structures. They build pipe like nests on the wall surface using dirt and their own saliva. These are solitary cells where they keep their babies and baby food, dead spiders. The mud nests are plastered side by side and can go up to a meter wide.
Why I have wasps in my home?
Wasps search for places that are sheltered from natural elements like high winds, hurricane, blizzard and other natural calamities. They need food and homes offer them plenty in the form of sweet food and beverages, leftover foods in garbage cans, fallen fruits on the grass, and nectar. Wasps primarily feed on nectar found in flowers but are not averse in eating foods provided by human. Sheltered nest and food are the two main reasons you have wasps in your home. Their presence is a warning of impending danger for you and your family members.
If you cross the flight path of wasps they will sting. They are highly possessive about their honey combed nests and the babies nesting in the cells. They sense danger and possible harm to their nests by your presence. In order to protect their nests and babies they will not hesitate to sting you or your pets. Pets being more playful may be worst victims as they are likely to be stung in their mouths and feet. Wasp stings can be painful and may need medical attention if the bite turns in to allergic reactions. People with allergies are likely to go in to anaphylactic shock which could turn fatal.
You should be worried about wasps if you have wasp infestation and call for professional help like BBPP, the best pest control Markham to eradicate them from home. You can contact them on phone number 647-910-6315 or sending mail to and get a free quote.