안전놀이터 and out-of-door play outfit offer kiddies fresh air, musketeers, fun, and exercise. But it’s important to make sure that defective outfit, indecorous shells, and unsafe geste do not ruin the fun.
Each time, further than,2000 kiddies are treated in sanitarium ERs for playground- related injuries. numerous of these accidents can be averted with careful supervision. You can make the playground amusing and safe for your kiddies by checking outfit for possible hazards and following some simple safety guidelines.
And tutoring kiddies how to play safely is important If they know the rules of the playground, they are less likely to get hurt.
First Aid Guide Falls Go
Grown-ups can help help injuries by making sure kiddies duly use playground equipment. However, an grown-up can help the child and give any demanded first aid right down, If an injury does be. kiddies should always have adult supervision on the playground. Keep your eyes on youthful kiddies( and occasionally aged bones ) because they can not always be sure of distance and may not anticipate dangerous situations. Aged kiddies like to test their limits on the playground, so it’s important for an grown-up to keep them in check.
Before you visit a playground, check to make sure that play areas are designed to allow an grown-up to easily see kiddies while they are playing on all the outfit. tutoring kiddies About Playground Safety
Another crucial part of playground safety kiddies must know how to be safe and act responsibly at the playground.
kiddies should know to
noway push or skylarking while on jungle gymnasiums , slides, seesaws, swings, and other outfit.
Use outfit duly — slide bases- first, do not climb outdoors rails, no standing on swings, etc. Always check to make sure no other kiddies are in the way if they are going to jump off outfit or slide, and land on both bases with their knees slightly fraudulent.
Leave bikes, packs, and bags down from the outfit and the play area so that no bone
trips over them. Always wear a helmet while bike riding, but take it off while on playground outfit.
noway use playground outfit that is wet because humidity makes the shells slippery.
Check playground outfit in the
It can come uncomfortably or indeed dangerously hot, especially essence slides, banisters , and way. So use good judgment if the outfit feels hot to the touch, it’s presumably not safe or delightful to play on. Contact becks can be within seconds.
Wear clothes without drawstrings or cords. Drawstrings, pocketbooks, and chokers could get caught on outfit and accidentally strangle a child.
Wear sunscreen when playing outdoors indeed on cloudy days to cover against sunburn.
Safe Equipment Guidelines
Swings, slides, and climbing outfit have different safety enterprises. And some kinds of outfit aren’t safe for 안전놀이터, no matter how careful kiddies are.
Swing Safety
Swings are the most common source of nonage injuries from moving outfit on a playground. But a many simple preventives can help keep kiddies safely swinging
Swings should be made of soft material similar as rubber or plastic, not wood or essence. kiddies should always sit in the swing, not stand or kneel. They should hold on tightly with both hands while swinging, and when finished swinging, stop the swing fully before getting off.
Children should stay a safe distance from other kiddies on swings, being careful not to run or walk in front of or in reverse of moving swings. kiddies should noway ride with further than one child to a swing. Swings are designed to safely hold only one person.
Seesaw Safety
Using a seesaw requires cooperation between kiddies. They are generally not recommended for preschoolers unless the seesaw has a spring- centering device to help unforeseen contact with the ground. Anyhow of design, both seesaws and merry- go- rounds should be approached with caution.
Other safety tips to keep in mind
Seesaw seats are like swings one child per seat. A child who’s too light to seesaw with a mate should find a different mate — not add another child to his or her side of the seesaw. kiddies should always sit facing one another, not turned around.
Educate kiddies to hold on tightly with both hands while on a seesaw, not to touch the ground or push off with their hands, and to keep bases to the sides, out from underneath the seesaw.
kiddies should stand back from a seesaw when it’s in use. They should noway stand beneath a raised seesaw, stand and gemstone in the middle, or try to climb onto it while it’s in stir.
Slide Safety
Slides are safe if kiddies are careful when using them. Guidelines to keep in mind Children should take one step at a time and hold onto the rail when climbing the graduation to the top of the slide. They shouldn’t climb up the sliding board itself to get to the top.
kiddies should always slide down bases first and sitting up, noway head first or on their reverse or stomach. Only one child should be on the slide platform at a time, and kiddies should not slide down in groups.
kiddies should always check that the bottom of the slide is clear before sliding down. When they reach the bottom, they should get off and move down from the end of the slide so it’s clear for other kiddies to slide down.
Climbing Equipment Safety
Climbing outfit comes in numerous shapes and sizes including gemstone climbing walls, bends, and perpendicular and vertical graduations. It’s generally more grueling for kiddies than other kinds of playground outfit.
Be sure your kiddies are apprehensive of a safe way down in case they can not complete the rise. The loftiest rate of injuries on public playgrounds are seen with climbing outfit. This is dangerous when not designed or used duly. Adult supervision is especially important for youngish kiddies.
Climbing outfit can be used safely if kiddies are tutored to use both hands and to stay well behind the person in front of them and guard of swinging bases. When they drop from the bars, kiddies should be suitable to jump down without hitting the outfit on the way down. Remind kiddies to have their knees fraudulent and land on both bases.