By age five, up to 8% of girls and 2% of boys develop a urinary tract infection. The symptoms of this condition may be difficult to notice in youngsters. However, an untreated urinary tract infection (UTI) may develop a more severe kidney infection in children.

How Does UTI occur in Children?

A urinary tract infection occurs when a component of the urinary system becomes inflamed. It is caused by the bacteria that may travel anywhere, be it the kidney that filters the blood, the tube responsible for transporting urine, or the urethra that discharges it.

UTI symptoms may include:

  • Frequent need for urinating
  • Burring sensation and pain, particularly during urination
  • Fever
  • Discomfort

Treatment for UTI

First, ask your kid to empty their bladder and drink as much water as possible. If the problem persists, contact your doctor. They may take a sample of your kid’s urine, and the doctor will connect a plastic bag to their skin if the child is an infant. Based on the diagnosis, the doctor may prepare a treatment plan. UTIs are cured within a week if appropriately treated, but it can take weeks for all symptoms to disappear. Even if your child’s symptoms have subsided, they must continue to take the antibiotics prescribed. Even after UTI gets treated, the doctor may request further testing to confirm that no urinary system issues hinder your child’s body from battling infections.


UTI is a common problem among children, specifically girls. However, early detection and cure are essential to avoid kidney damage. If you live in Mumbai and don’t know where to go, contact Nanavati Max hospital, it is the best pediatric hospital in Mumbai. You can consult the country’s top urologists and paediatrics at Nanavati regarding your child’s UTI and receive top-class fast recovery treatment.