A few days before I heard one of my colleagues saying content writing is going to end. I couldn’t believe whether he was saying true or there was something true in these words. His logic behind his statement was people are giving less importance to reading, lengthy blogs, and articles. They are moving towards images and videos. Any knowledgeable or promotional information is slowly and steadily brought available in audio or video formats. Audios and Videos are easy to access for any person, and it is quick to understand too. So what! Is a career in content writing really going to vanish in the few coming years? The answer is simply no.

Content is as long as Digital marketing

Digital marketing is nothing without content. That’s why content is the king. For any kind of marketing practice, or any format of digital marketing content plays a very important role and its value will never go down. One thing that is acceptable is about the format, style, and module of the content can change. Even if I say the value of content is going to increase in the coming years, it will not be a wrong statement. Yes! In the future, the only marketer will be able to carve a niche in the market that is able to deliver higher quality content.

The future of content lies in images, audio, and video content. Any user will find image content more interesting than in written format. Similarly, audio and video contents are more engaging than images and text-based content.

In Short, we say, the future of content will rely on Audio and Videos

→If you are a marketer, adapting to new changes should be in your blood. And you need to be adaptable in terms of changing requirements of Content marketing. You should acquire skills in audio and video content marketing. It will not only keep you stand still in fastly changing digital marketing field, but also open doors of success in future endeavors.

→If you are a content writer, you need to go one step ahead. You need to learn how to blend your content with images to make it more interesting and engaging for users. You can learn to create audio contents to be used in your websites or podcasts, and video content for promotional or information purposes. It will not only help you keep stable in your career, but also attain success in future endeavors.

→If you are a businessman, learn to adapt new content marketing strategies, try to implement audio and video marketing tools and similar strategies to engage customers and generate positive outcomes in your business.