You can look at a Tarot Reading as a cosmological blueprint of a soul’s incarnation … to a fortune telling reading…
The Tarot is a universal and ancient source of accessing information, for the querent or journeyer..
Why is a Tarot Reading different from divinity readings which have cards ? A Tarot Card Reading is Language… Language of symbolism; through 22 Major
Arcana cards and Relationship suits etc.. Forces come into play, when INTENT is Activated for the outcome…
I’ve been Reading through The Tarot professionally (as a paid source of income) for 30 years, I bought my first deck in the early 80’s… I studied the Language of Colour; Numerical Associations; Placement of Symbols and the Figures (characters) represented since that time…
As The Tarot is a Language, it is Essential to me to ask the client verbally:
- What they want from their Reading…
- Health, Relationship, Finances or Life Direction
Some don’t want to reveal what they are seeking to me and that is fine…
I always Channel the Higher Self of the person and their Intelligent Heart… FIRST… All Information will be given through this accurate and reliable Source of Information; which essentially is the CLIENTS Truth… Their Heart’s Truth…
Once my connection has been made – Its IMPORTSANT to Stay GROUNDED in the Absolute Present…
- I use a visualization of Grounding Myself into the Core of The Earth with White Light Protection around
- Breath is important to HOLD .
- For me, it is also very important to make sure The Language of the Cards, individually in the spread you choose (traditionally the Celtic Cross or Stargate Grid spread etc) to know the .
If the Reader doesn’t have a structure for the cards placement, it can leave the client confused and not really understanding the information given.
It can take some time to learn the Language of The Tarot… Go slowly, similar to learning a second language..
It is a Secret Language the Tarot…
It took me 4 years of study and practice to feel confident to charge professionally for my skill.. this varies of course, especially if you are working with a teacher..
It is very Important NOT to get caught up in Predictions… in saying: “You are….. especially health and or relationship outcomes (family, friends and lovers etc) DON’T GO THERE… Have the Client Take Personal Responsibility, and make sure the reading is recorded on their phone…
The Tarot is Ancient; Powerful and Accurate when used with The Higher Good of All Concerned… otherwise it can create fear and abandonment if the Reader does not Hold the Reins firmly on the client’s runaway mind…
We are All on The Fool’s journey….. Heart I love The Tarot…
Carmel Glenane