Pre-Employment Screening Test: What Employee Needs To Know?

In current times, the process of employment is getting tougher and tougher. It is becoming difficult to know which individual is best for the vacancy. But you don’t have to feel disappointed, as pre-employment screening in the UK helps in solving the problem. Pre-employment checks are responsible for doing detailed background check-ups of a candidate before hiring him. Pre-employment checks are beneficial as they eliminate any possible threats to any organisation by an individual criminal background. In addition, hiring only the most capable individuals and the most competitive ones for the betterment of an organisation. Hiring the right individuals could be beneficial for an organisation in the short and long-term run. Corporate culture is focusing on the constant success and company’s reputation which is only possible through rightful hiring of candidates, through pre-employment checks. 

What Is a Pre-employment check?

Pre-employment checks help in ensuring candidates are safe additions to your organisation as well as your team. Pre Employment screening UK is responsible for due diligence upfront to protect one’s association, which is the main aim of an organisation. Many organisations ask for social security for verification of job applicants, employee basic information while undergoing a recruitment process. 

Pre-employment screening can dramatically reduce your risk, whether you are concerned about criminal history or illicit drug use. In modern times, before a candidate joins hands with a business team, they are usually referred to the process of screening a job. Pre-employment screening is also known as Criminal Background Checks, Background Screening, Employment Verification, Pre-employment Drug Testing, Education Verification, and Reference Checks. 

Everything you need to know about pre-employment check

There are several things which are important for you to know about pre-employment checks which might help you are as follows. Benefits of pre-employment screening are listed below.

It helps in avoiding bad hires

Before you hire someone will prevent major problems from occurring later, if you consider making a small effort to conduct background checks. Because it could be frustrating to hire the wrong individual.

It helps in verifying candidate is qualified 

A business should always consider checking the education history of a candidate while hiring him. In some cases, hiring the wrong person could be disastrous, if they are unqualified people. 

It helps in performing character check 

Candidates while giving interviews exaggerates their background information, tries to flaunt their knowledge. It is a sign of dishonesty, even if someone slightly exaggerates about their background. Background character check-ups help in encouraging more honest candidates, with high character who are 100% eligible for the vacant post by business. 

It helps in keeping a safer workplace 

After going through intense background checks any kind of any dangerous individuals or unsavoury with harmful intentions for the company. So, it is best to keep the workplace environment clean and safer for new employees, and workplace settings. 

It helps in reducing company’s liabilities 

If a business plans to hire people with clear a pre-employment screening, then they could easily avoid many unnecessary lawsuits, and could lower insurance costs of their organisation. 

Types of Pre-Employment Screening Tests

There are several types of pre-employment screening test. It is important that relevant testing should be selected based on the job position entitles to an individual, keeping in mind there are many avenues for screening. 

Education verification 

People who are recent grads or are still in getting qualification, this is typical of such people with entry-level job applicants. Education verification helps in verifying the qualification level, credibility and helps in verifying in case of any frauds involved in their education. 

Sex offender registry screening

Pre-employment screening process to protect current employees and to safeguard the company’s reputation, as both state and federal sex offender lists are offered in potential employers. The pre-employment screening should be compulsory of any agency which involves working with children both in case of day care or education. In addition to volunteer, legal or any kind of medical assistance in such regard.  

Credit history

It is important to have consent and willingness to share results openly to obtain the credit history of job applicants. FCRA- Fair Credit Reporting Act usually regulates the credit history of an employee. The screening must include roles involving sensitive financial data such as clerks, chief financial officer, accountants, bank managers and anyone handling cash. 

Final word

Pre-employment screening plays a central role in a clean and transparent hiring process, which could be beneficial for the team and future of an organisation.