After getting the news that your visa application is refused or canceled can be very distressing for many people. Regardless of this decision from the home department, it is very important for you to understand that this decision may not be the end of the road to you achieving your migration goals in Australia as there may be alternative options available for you to utilize.

If you are onshore at the time of your visa application and your visa, gets rejected, you need to act quickly, because you only have limited time to apply for another visa or appeal. If you do not leave Australia by the deadline, it may affect your future visa applications.

You must be very careful in visa applications in the future if your visa gets rejected at once you need to declare it in all your visa applications that are lodged with the department.

Because we all understand how critical this issue is that’s why we recommend taking the help of a migration lawyer to help you with all your visa application problems.

Reason For Your Visa Getting Refused or Cancelled

The circumstance of your case really decides you are eligible to apply for another or not. Your visa can be refused or canceled for several reasons. But the most possible reasons are the following.

Non-character-related Refusal

This one is the most common reason for the cancelation of a visa. An example of that cancelation is when you entered some false information not intentionally on your application there is a big possibility that your visa may be denied, or you did not meet the criteria for the visa you are applying for. In most cases, these typed of cancelation will not stop applying for further visa applications.

Character-related Refusal or Cancelation

This type of cancelation is issued normally when you failed to pass the character test and that will be a serious issue.

These types of issues are serious, and it allows the home department and government to cancel or reject your visa.

  •       Extensive criminal record.
  •       Involved in criminal activity.
  •       Break Australian immigration laws.
  •       Committed an offense.

Onshore Refusal

If you are in Australia and you applied for a visa extension or applied for a different subclass and your visa, get rejected or refused. You have the option to lodge an appeal within 21 days to the Administrative Appeal Tribunal (AAT). The processing time is normally about a year during this period you will get a bridging visa and you will have the same rights as on a student visa. But we recommend to students that AAT application is very critical to fill there are very tricky parts in it. To lodge the appeal, we recommend getting the help of Migration lawyers. As we have 14 years plus experience in migration law, we will be able to help you regarding any migration issue.

Administrative Appeal Tribunal

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) conducts independent merits review of administrative decisions made by Australian Government ministers, departments, and agencies and, in limited circumstances, state and territory government and non-government bodies. It can review decisions made under more than 400 acts and legislative instruments. The most common types of decisions reviewed relate to migration and protection (refugee) visas, family assistance and social security, child support, Commonwealth workers’ compensation, Australian citizenship, the National Disability Insurance Scheme, taxation, and veterans’ entitlements.

What Should You Do If Your Student Visa Is Rejected?

If your visa is denied you should first try to find out why the application was rejected. This should be indicated in a letter of denial from the Home Office or Immigration Department in your destination country.

If the reason is not already clear it is best to ask for direct response and a thorough review of the result before re-applying or appealing.

From there, you can work to resolve the causes of rejection and re-apply for a visa once you have resolved your concerns.

Common Reasons Your Visa Maybe Rejected

Student visas are sometimes rejected for arbitrary or fixed reasons. Some common causes include the following:

  • Incorrect filling in one or more parts of the visa application form, or forgetting to fill in any parts
  • Proper form including ID or photographs not provided
  • Inadequate English language ability
  • Lack of significant evidence to show that you meet the financial requirements to study abroad
  • Failure of any background check
  • Your previous education is not related to your curriculum. Lack of any previous qualification related to your course or qualification in unrelated fields is a common reason for visa denial.
  • There is a gap in your learning journey. How long you have been in education can affect your outcome.
  • Your choice, of course, does not reflect career advancement. Choose a course at the same level of education or call the purpose of your visa. Whether you are applying to a college or university can also affect the outcome. Universities generally have better approval rates.
  • Your travel history in other countries
  • Your nationality. Each nation has its own political and economic factors that contribute to the success of the application. The same application of citizens of different nationalities may have different consequences.
  • Your past application history. Refusal of any previous visa can be a factor, especially if you have previously been granted a visa from your destination country and you have been found to be in violation of any visa requirements.

Australian immigration rules are subject to change. If you would require advice specific to your Australian student visa refusal, call the AU Immigration lawyer on 1800 886 886 or drop an email: and visit our site.