Just preparing the pasta and putting it on a plate is certainly not the best way to enjoy your pasta. When you garnish it temptingly and serve it in the best way possible, only then does the pasta dish seem to be delectable. You must go through this blog to know and execute some of the best ways to serve pasta. But ensure that you have grabbed hold of the best pasta from the top pasta suppliers in India. Also, keep all the required ingredients handy so you do not have to run about while cooking your meal.

Try out These Exquisite Ways of Serving Pasta

1.Pasta in a wine glass 

Prepare a dish of extraordinarily creamy and cheesy white sauce pasta. Let it cool down, and then refrigerate it for a while. Now take a tall-necked wine glass and put a dollop of mayonnaise at the bottom. Then, two spoonfuls of the white sauce pasta and top it with grated processed cheese. Sprinkle some chilli flakes and oregano, and repeat these layers until the glass is full to the brim. Serve the regular white sauce pasta elegantly and simply give it a fancy name, like a mocktail pasta. Your family or guests will surely enjoy this glass full of delight. 

2. Pasta in tortilla cones

Tortilla cones are easily available in the market. To serve your favourite pasta in a tortilla cone, you must buy the best quality pasta from the top pasta suppliers in India and prepare your dish first. Then go for a packet of premium quality tortilla sheets. Once you have prepared your pasta, keep it aside and take the tortilla sheets. Make it like a cone and secure the age with a toothpick.

Now suppose you have made five tortilla cones. Take 5 glasses and make the cones stand in them. Fill in the tortilla cones with pasta preparation and some chopped olives and jalapenos. Cover it up with a good amount of grated cheese. You can enjoy it this way or put them in the oven and bake them. Whichever way you serve it, it will be a fantastic way to enjoy any pasta dish.

3. Pasta on a pizza base

This is not only a unique way of enjoying your pasta but also a fantastic way to serve pasta instead of serving it on a plate. So for this one, you need to prepare your pasta beforehand and get the freshest pizza bases from the market. Now, take a pizza base, slightly toast it in the oven, and spread pizza sauce along with a good amount of mayonnaise.

Spread the pasta on it evenly and put diced onions and capsicums. If you have olives and jalapenos available at home, you can also add them. Just like any other pasta dish is incomplete without a generous amount of cheese; remember to put a gracious amount of cheese for this one too. Top it with mozzarella cheese and bake it in the oven until the cheese has become toasty and brown. Take it out, cut it into slices and enjoy it with a dip that you love.

4. Stuffed pita pockets

Pita bread is easily available in the market, and many people are largely fond of it. So, you can even try out this way to serve your favourite pasta. Like all the other recipes discussed above, keep a dish of pasta prepared beforehand. For this, buy pasta only from the renowned pasta suppliers in India. Now buy pita bread from the market and slice it into halves. Stuff the pita pockets with the prepared pasta and smear the top with some eggless mayonnaise. Sprinkle black pepper and chilli flakes and bake them in the oven for a few seconds.

5. Pasta stuffed wraps

Take your favourite pasta dish and a few tortillas. Now, take one tortilla wrap and spread a mixture of tomato ketchup, mayonnaise, liquid cheese, and chilli flakes. Spread this mixture quite evenly, and then put some shredded cabbage, chopped onions, and yummy french fries. Put the prepared pasta on it and fold it from all four sides. Secure it with a toothpick and toast it with a small amount of olive oil on a frying pan. Once it is toasted, take it off the frying pan, take out the toothpick, cut it into halves and enjoy it with a cheesy dip. Get the pasta from the top pasta suppliers in India to make the most out of its quality.

Therefore, these are not only some of the best ways to serve pasta but also some of the unique ways to enjoy it. Do try these at home and let everyone savour the taste with delight.