Uber Clone App is well-known for its incredible features. These advanced features are what make this app extremely useful and well-liked. This blog will discuss all the amazing features of the app and show you how it can make the user experience increase by 10 times. For better understanding, it is best to separate the features according to users as well as driver’s apps.

Best Features of the Uber Clone App

Take a look at a few of the most appealing qualities of the below listed.

User App

1.  Mark your favorite driver

This feature is included in the user application. Just by tapping the screen, users can select the driver they’ve driven before as their preferred. Therefore, when they make a reservation for a taxi and they choose the driver who is their favorite, that driver will be notified of the ride request in the first place.

2. Rideshare or carpool

This feature lets riders join in the ride with others taking the same route. This feature allows riders to save money, while the driver can drop off and pick up several passengers on one trip.

3. Ride tracing

The feature to track rides of the app permits riders to send an online tracking link to relatives and friends. Anyone with the tracking link has the ability to follow the journey from beginning to end. This feature makes sure that the person who reserved a ride through the Uber Like App remains secure throughout the journey.

4. Stop, eat to shop, or eat during the ride

This feature is among the most popular features due to the fact that it permits riders to include numerous stop-overs throughout the ride. This means that they do not have to think about booking several rides to complete chores like buying medicine and picking up bouquets along the route and stopping the ride to grab an espresso.

The stop-over points are located on the way to the destination of the user. If people are out shopping or eating at a restaurant, the train will stop for a number of minutes.


Driver App

1. Driver mode for a destination – the End of the day trip

This is a driver’s applications feature that allows taxi operators to record their rides as the completion of the day and receive requests for rides on the way towards their destinations. The driver is only able to receive requests for rides from addresses that lead to their destination. Therefore, if the driver is headed home, they could collect riders and then drop them back off they are on their way back.

2. call masking function

This feature is extremely advanced that allows drivers to place an audio call to the rider via the internet and on the Uber App Clone itself. This allows them to talk to the passengers without sharing their personal numbers with anyone else, and vice versa. In essence, this feature is helpful in keeping the privacy of riders.

3. History detail page

The feature is also accessible in the rider’s and drivers’ Uber App Clone. They have their own history page, where drivers can view the full details of their previous journeys.


If you’re already operating a Taxi Business, then getting online is the best way to increase your reach and increase your profits.  Opt for Uber Clone App Development today so that by the end of the next week, you’ll have the best app set to launch.

A reputable white-labeling business will help you launch the application in 7 to 10 days. So, who would like to begin making money immediately?