What are the benefits of Humic acid and Fulvic acid?


Fulvic Humic Acid are organic compounds that are naturally occurring in soil, water and plants. They are also found in some rocks.

Humic acid is a beneficial compound that has many properties, including:

-Humic acid can help the body absorb minerals from the soil and rocks, which can be useful for treating certain types of soils or heavy metals in the body.

-Humic acid can help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes by improving the body’s ability to use glucose. Humic acid also helps prevent damage to red blood cells caused by conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease or heart disease.

Fulvic acid is an organic compound that occurs naturally in soil and water sources. It has many properties, including:

-Fulvic acid can help reduce inflammation in the body by stimulating production of eicosanoids (prostaglandins), which reduce swelling and pain. Fulvic acid also reduces pain caused by osteoarthritis by inhibiting enzymes involved in inflammation.