The passive components offered by electronic components suppliers in India usually consist of capacitors, inductors, resistors, substrates, and interconnects, including energy and high-frequency components. According to electrical components manufacturers, passive components can only receive energy, which is either dissipated, absorbed, or stored by the devices in an electric or magnetic field By design, Passive components don’t require any kind of electrical power to operate. But, passive components don’t offer output gain or amplification.
The following is the comprehensive list of passive components extensively used in the industries and supplied by electronic components suppliers in India:
The Resistors offered by electronic components manufacturers in India are electrical components that control the flow of the electrical current within the circuit. Usually, the resistors manufactured by electronic components manufacturers are made from materials like copper or carbon, which makes it harder for the electrical charges to flow through a circuit. The resistor’s ability to reduce the current is called resistance and it is usually measured in Ohms by the electrical components manufacturers. A resistor will dissipate electrical energy without storing it as an electric charge or as magnetic energy. For both DC and AC circuits, the relationship between the voltage and current of the resistor is linear.
The inductors offered by electronic components manufacturers in India are generally used as energy storage devices in switched-mode power devices to produce DC currents. The role of an inductor is to store energy and supply energy to the circuit in order to maintain the current flow during the off-switching period. Inductors enable topographies where output voltage exceeds input voltage. The inductive reactance i.e. impedance of an inductor usually differs with frequency and in the case of an ideal inductor, the current of the AC sine waves lags the voltage by 90%. The inductors manufactured by electronic components manufacturers are extensively used in tuned circuits, inductive sensors, energy storage devices, motors, transformers, inductive filters, chokes, ferrite beads, and relays. An antenna is also a type of inductor manufactured by electronic components suppliers in India that are made up of one or more turns of wire. The antenna generates an oscillating magnetic field that switches polarity from north to south at 134,200 times per second.
The capacitors offered by electronic components manufacturers in India are extensively used in electronics circuits and devices for restricting the flow of direct current while enabling the flow of alternating current. The capacitors offered by electronic components manufacturers fetch energy from the battery and store the energy. In other words, a capacitor is an electronic component that accumulates and stores electrostatic energy in an electric field. Power generation systems, air conditioning machines, signal coupling or decoupling systems, electronic noise filtering, and remote sensing are a few of the major areas of application of capacitors manufactured by electrical components manufacturers. In resonant circuits, capacitors help tune the radio to particular frequencies. But in the case of analog filter networks, capacitors make the output of power supplies smooth.
If you are looking for electronic components manufacturers in India, then contact experts at Elcom International. Elcom Internation offers a wide range of world-class innovative smart electronic and electromechanical products including several kinds of passive and active components. The best part is that – all the products offered by the electronic components manufacturers Elcom International are certified, well-tested, and strictly comply with the necessary international regulatory standards.