One of the biggest announcements in the Google world recently has been the unveiling of MUM or the Multitask Unified Model that is supposed to be literally 1,000 times more powerful than BERT, which Google only released a few years ago.

MUM is supposed to understand language in context, as well as to have the potential to interpret and analyze other forms of media, like images and video. It’s a sobering thought that AI has come so far.

What’s more sobering are the questions that revolve around AI and organic marketing strategies, in which content is king. But will MUM dethrone the king?

Not quite; in fact, not at all. Content is going to become even more important to digital marketing, with a small caveat.

We needed answers, so we went straight to the source. We asked a BigCommerce SEO expert with ten years of experience in this field to weigh in. We asked the digital marketing experts at 1DigitalⓇ Agency what effect this would have on eCommerce SEO and this is what they had to say.

In Context? What Does That Mean!
The first thing we learned from them is that MUM simply represents an improvement in how Google will evaluate the content, particularly in context – but what does that mean.

Well, currently (and previously) a lot of what was thought about content optimization has had to do with length, structure, and keyword density. That is, Google was only “so good” at analyzing content before determining whether or not it was good at delivering an answer to the user’s search intent.

Franky, Google was good, but sometimes got it wrong. Content could easily be “optimized” without truly answering a search query. Some might call that gaming the system, and Google is trying to do away with that.

Now, MUM is going to make Google better at “reading between the lines,” determining what a piece of content says, even if it doesn’t necessarily directly contain specific keywords or search terms. Google will use images and other media for supporting reference; at least, they are supposed to.

This will make Google much better at finding what you, the user, are looking for.

Bye, Bye Keywords: Not So Fast
Just in case you construed that last section to mean that the content will be stepping down from its post as King, take a few steps back. This could not be farther from the truth.

If anything, the content will become even more important. Google wants to rely more and more on content to furnish an answer to a user search query in order to furnish the best answer to a question.

Moreover, it doesn’t mean that keyword optimization is no longer a thing. It simply means that answering the question will become more important than “keyword-only” optimization, which some might even call keyword stuffing.

Users still need to search for something, and that starts with a search query containing keywords. Digital marketers will simply need to get better at “talking the talk” of a target audience, and their keyword research, on-page optimization, and link-building skills will need to improve.

Where to Turn for Help: Trust the BigCommerce SEO Experts
In short, digital marketers are going to need to continue to hone their craft, writing content for humans instead of for bots.

If you’re looking for BigCommerce SEO experts to take your online store to the next level by offering better content and a better UX, trust the experts. 1DigitalⓇ Agency experts devise and implement BigCommerce SEO services that are highly effective at driving traffic to BigCommerce websites.

They’re optimized many BigCommerce stores in a variety of industries over the past ten years and can optimize your website to attract higher organic traffic while encouraging higher conversion rates for long-term growth.

We turned to them to answer our Google questions. You can turn to them for their help as a BigCommerce SEO agency. Don’t let the BigCommerce platform serve as a roadblock. Contact 1DigitalⓇ Agency today at or by phone at 888-982-8269 to get started with an SEO campaign today.

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